DJI Mini 4 Pro firmware updates

Yes, we list all the DJI Fly app updates in a separate thread over here: DJI Fly - App updates and download links

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Im getting new remote update notifications since yesterday.

It mentions bug fixes and flip compatibility.
Dji rc 2 v05.00.0300

For the mini its v01.00.0800 but ive had that notification for a while. I know from experience they release updates incrementally and not just based on location/territory so it might be something to do with that?


I didn’t see any firmware update notifications, I just decided to check by using my dji Assistant app on my laptop.

I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

How often do you connect your RC2 to the internet to check? :thinking:

Check here, we normally share the details within an hour of the updates being rolled out to the world :smiley:


Thanks PingSpike, I’ll setup a ‘follow’.

I was checking randomly, whenever it crossed my mind that there might be an update.

I recall seeing that as conscientious, obedient and compliant drone pilots, we have to abide with the Code of Conduct and ensure that we install all manufacturer firmware updates.

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My advice is never update till its been fully tested

DJI has form on messing things up

Wait till others have tested it


The Drone and Model Aircraft Code does indeed say this:

But this is by far the most realistic and sensible advice:



Sage advice,

Unless I have a specific need i often run 1 iteration behind whatever the current version is for a long while after release.

Let others enjoy the thrill that is having their drone arse end a seagull when it fails :wink:


All the latest updates stop the use of aftermarket batteries

Most updates are to stop exploits
But they also end up bugging something else :roll_eyes:


I wonder if there have been any instances where liability for a drone crash has been placed on the manufacturer’s failure to release a fully tested firmware update.

Or any instance of a drone pilot considered as being non-compliant with the regulations by choosing not to apply a new firmware update.

I notice that ‘dji Assistant’ allows you to install a previous firmware revision.

How do you know when any new firmware update is ‘fully tested’?

To update or not to update, that is the question…

9 times out of 10 you don’t until someone reports this is worse( better) or broke it of which DJI have a track record of making things break,

Unless the update has something you really want “ if it ain’t broke don’t try & fix it is my advice “! :slightly_smiling_face:

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You’ve changed, I remember you been the earliest of early adopters ;o)

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So right you are Chris then I learnt quite a lot ( from here of course ) :+1:


Nah he’s still the same but now listens to us :ear::rofl:


I refer my honourable colleagues to the comment given early regarding the allowance of others the opportunity to arse end seagulls before me :wink:

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Of course & or :joy: :+1:

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