So I just connected to update the Flysafe Data Database, and the update went fine. So I launched the drone afterwards from the floor in my living room just to check everything was okay. It all seemed fine until I went to land - it simply wouldn’t let me land at all.
Then suddenly the drone disconnected from the remote and a message appeared saying that I needed to update the software on the RC N2 controller - a 1.90 MB file size. I tried to do this - but it failed, so I stopped the drone by turning it upside down and reset everything.
Now there seemed again to be no problem… no updates available no matter where I looked. So I decided to take off again and see if the problem occurred again.
The drone was airborne for about 5 seconds, when I swear it completely lost its ******* mind, shot up to the ceiling at full velocity, then darted straight into the curtains, hit those then backed off at what seemed like 30mph and crashed into the opposite wall.
I have checked and it seems to have not sustained much damage other than to the propellors, as you can see from the photos. I flew it again while almost holding it for another 30 seconds and it worked with no errors, but what on earth could have happened?! It’s just insane how it shot off like that with no control at all.
This does shred your nerves particularly as I’m relatively new to this.
i had a problem the other day trying to bring the drone down/ towards me bout 6m high and 10m give or take away wouldnt go further down or towards AND nothing was in the way etc seems very odd
I’m not sure about the update problem, but when I first got a drone 3 years ago ( mavic air 2 ) I knew absolutely nothing especially when it came to gps lock / Atti mode, because I did not understand that & I kept trying to fly indoors, many a time my drone hit the ceiling or slid down the wall as there was no gps & was kinda doing its own thing so to speak, I guess some fly indoors but you have to be very gentle on the sticks when there’s no gps lock, as one tiny little touch of the sticks will put you in the wall, curtains & ceiling that I know for sure, back then I thought it was the drones fault to learn later on it was mine, I won’t fly or test indoors ever again.
As a flying instructor over many years, those words and thought process was the most difficult to train out of individuals.
As your drone was hovering and an advisory popped up that the controller needed to up date, you hit update and immediately the the drone disconnected, leaving your drone free to do anything, hence having to grab it and turn it upside down because it couldn’t receive a “land” command.
My advice for the willing to take is never to assume.
Thank you that is incredibly helpful. @SparkyFPV too!
I just did a 15-minute test flight in the back garden. It updated the Flysafe Data again which was odd - but after that, it flew perfectly again with no errors.