DJI Plus Battery broken tabs bought from Ali-Express not covered by DJI warranty

I have just been on to DJI about my Mini 3 plus battery as one tab has broken and the other is cracked

But once they saw the serial number sadly they couldn’t cover it under warranty as it was purchased in China :scream:

This was bought from Ali-Express

It is quite a common problem unfortunately. Eventually I had to buy some new batteries. A major design flaw

I wont be doing that, but a new case :+1:


How about one of these …


Or you could have this one which is a bit cheaper and “Genuine plastic” (none of that crappy artificial plastic here)

Weighs 5G, so wouldn’t that push it over 249G which would be a disadvantage for many?

I think the casing is polystyrene, so you might fix it by applying a tiny drop of the solvent MEK (Liquid Poly) into the crack and then propping it firmly in place to set. Maybe open the case and put a tiny block of EPS (or anything firmly spongy) under the catch to restore springiness.

As for the battery clip, (I advise against law-breaking, but for a couple of grams) has anyone ever been challenged by police to prove the weight of their drone ?
Will any drone pilot ever be prosecuted for being 3 grams overweight ?

In circumstances where the weight is not critical, these skids also grip the battery and hold it in very tightly: (you have to remove the skids to get the battery out)

Strictly speaking - you are absolutely correct. However, in the real world, I cannot see a police officer requesting you to land so he/she could weigh your drone :man_shrugging: Any item you add to the DJI Mini series is likely to put it over the 249g limit - even strobe lights which many use for safety and VLOS reasons. Having said that, I am not condoning that anybody should break the rules.
For myself it would be no problem as I have an A2 CofC which allows me to fly drone up to 500g under similar conditions. The clip was suggested to Wayne as a temporary measure until the the permanent fix - new external case - was received from Aliexpress in China :man_shrugging:

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It is a Plus battery so already over 250g :+1:

It is not breaking the law to be over 250g

No never, nor do they carry calibrated scales

Cheers John, but I will wait for the new shell to arrive

My point here was to highlight the fact, if you buy genuine DJI products from the likes of Ali-Express they are not covered by DJI’s warranty

Good job, or I’d of been arrested long ago! My wing was 1.2kg :rofl:


The new shell arrived from Ali-Express and I would say it’s a genuine one :+1:

Bonus point it says ultra-light 249g :joy:

It actually arrived assembled and it was fun getting it apart :scream:

But at least I know how to disassemble the old one


@SparkyFPV wayne replacement not possible on the 3D printer then :rofl::man_running:t2::dash:

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Ok she is apart :grinning: not an easy job as DJI glues the seams with a silicon-like glue


Finished :grinning:

I actually used the original bottom shell as that wasn’t damaged, now it looks genuine

And says it’s 249g


from which side do you need to start opening the battery.

i have 2 plus batteries with cracked clips

bummer, if i new earlier about this issue i would have modified my charger to avoid this

i have 2 batteries with broken clips.
does anybody know what material is used for the battery cover
i tried to glue it with superglue, got a seemless joint but when pressing it broke again so it seems superglue does not stick that well

any ideas

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This has been discussed before in another thread ill add the link, you can replace the parts, maybe easier

yes i noticed that movie but
1: this is a non original battery
2:they guy did not open it on the video, it is already open.

if i know how to open the original i might fix the problem from the inside

It’s the same, I started at the side near the top tab


Using a pry tool
It’s not easy as the tabs are difficult to release and DJI use a silicone glue
Take your time and it will come apart
