DJI updates its GEO Zone system and removes Unlock requests and NFZs from its Fly Safe platform

Is what I’ve just been thinking, what’s given with one hand is usually taken with the other :grimacing:

Hmmm my fear & I know we’ve all moaned about the made up crap by DJI but are things about to get more difficult with what the local laws & regulations have in mind !
As good as anyone’s guess :thinking:
Maybe this is when the uk / caa really slap bang when or where, we can or cannot fly is my thoughts, I maybe wrong.

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With the shock announcement that DJI has removed all flight restrictions on their drones, Drone Scene has become an even more vital app for UK drone pilots to ensure they’re flying in a safe and legal manner.


Yup, good idea about the information pack being included with drone sales. Alternatively, have the restrictions enabled, but once you put in your Operator (and perhaps Flyer) ID it unlocks it.

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Good news in that I/We don’t have to use that Flysafe page and download the approval data to drone, and then have to gain approval and get a code nonsense for something we got 12 month approval for in a remote area :slight_smile:

But we now have to download/update the latest version before it lets you take off = takes a while… but what I suspect that the CAA will eventually also need t approve flights in zones DJI previously controlled… and that will be a mess…

Worse still, there may be people chancing it in FRZ’s etc. and getting the whole hobby in the spotlight…

I imagine there will be a lot of inadvertent flights in FRZs.
My limited interaction with other drone operators so far is that a substantial number seem to rely on the DJI zones as their guidance…

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I stand corrected, FRZ’s are still in the DJI app…I am at Heathrow Airport, and it shows and blocks still = good

Have you updated the firmware and the fly safe database

Sadly, it would be illegal to find out whether you can launch a DJI drone using the new database in the little gaps that Drone Scene shows between the runway polygon and the main airport polygon.

But I am curious about whether it would work.


I can now fly over the prison accross the road.

You can now launch a DJI anywhere in the FRZ as it’s just a warning :scream: gaps or no gaps. It will no longer stop you taking off
Obviously illegal :wink:

On my 2x RCs with screen yes… But I checked on my Phone DJI app… I no longer have a N1 or N2 remote to use with the phone…that’s obviously why it’s not up to date

I’ll check on my RCS later

As an aside - our foster child was given a “flying car” last year and asked for my help in getting it going and how to use it. It came with a DroneSafe leaflet yet its maximum listed distance was something less than 100ft.

Brilliant. Been avoiding the “there’s an update available” message a few times now on the basis that somethign will have been broken or locked down. So this is welcome news.

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This is the DJI layer on DS, the orange areas are just warnings

Enhanced Warning Zones

Enhanced Warning Zones: In these zones, you will be prompted by GEO at the time of flight to unlock the zone using the same steps as in an Authorization Zone, but you do not require a verified account or an internet connection at the time of your flight.

Having just looked at coventry airports FRZ on my RCN2 thats been fully updated with my drone powered on at my work desk I moved the map over to the FRZ on the fly app.

Yes it shows the FRZ but when clicking into the area on the map the fly app gives a warning to fly with caution and that is all. So I’m guessing you can just acknowledge the warning and it will allow you to take off with no unlock needed.

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Yes, that’s what I see on my Screen RCs too…
So my assumption is the CAA will somehow enforce it when they have the means… you’d think that there would be a hand off from one to the other…

This now let’s you fly anywhere you like, albeit illegal unless ATC approval given… madness

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Not really this has always been the case with None DJI drones


Good point, I’ve only flown DJI (and Tello’s but they don’t count :slight_smile: )

This is what DJI say

Hmmm seems DJI are handing the decision to fly or not over to the operator/ flyer. With all the new people flying their Christmas presents, now we have a few days of nice weather, I can see possible problems arising. No doubt the Daily Fail will pick upon this as part of their anti drone agenda :wink::wink:

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its because there was conflicting things been saidby the geo fence on their app and CAA post a few months ago about not to trust manufacturer apps where to fly etc so there now making it align with CAA and EASA for RPAS etc , to imprt data etc ian in london put a vid out few days ago :slight_smile: