Do NOT upgrade Mavic Pro to v01.04.0400 as you will be unable to root

Heads up modders!

DJI released v01.04.0400 for the Mavic Pro & Platinum yesterday which claims to “Increase the aircraft data’s security”.

What this actually means is that they’ve removed the current root exploit.

If you install the v01.04.0400 update you will lose root access and you will not be able to get it back.

You can still roll back though, but it’ll be a two-step process as you’ll first need to roll back from v01.04.0400 to v01.04.0100 and then you can go from v01.04.0100 to any previous version (eg .700)

But the root exploit remains gone!


I feared the last release notes for Go4 were suggesting things were about to be locked up more.
I’m sticking where I am, for the time being, until someone’s cracked it.
So - next week probably. LOL! :wink:


Just like iOS jailbreaking… Someone will find a way!

Jeremy was talking about this earlier in a Facebook group, he said they’ve patched a few things

I assume we can root now with new exploit dumbldore right after we roll back etc?

Yes, check out digdat0 on youtube, or join DJI Modding Lounge group on Facebook for loads of tutorials

Or use our guide: How to root your DJI Mavic Pro, Phantom 4 and Inspire 2 using DUMLRacer and completely remove NFZ




Hi can some 1 tell me what root is please thank you

Cheers for the info mate