Do you put a UV filter over camera lens?

Hi All
DJI Mini 3, I was reading some people advising to put a filter UV over the camera as its not protected.

Is this what you do?


On an SLR/Mirrorless camera lens, almost always yes (for protection of the front element)…but no need for a drone as the lens is rarely, if ever, handled.

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I have a filter on my mini 4, i do not see any downgrade in image quality or video, i am unsure if i will ever hit a small midge of anything, but if you hit a very small branch it might sratch the lens, and with a filter might prevent it. But the chances are small but i would rather replace a cheap filter than have a scratch on the lense, But i know if you have a dslr a small scratch is more likely to be visable with an F16 rather than F1.7 so you might be ok. Just my opinion

Yeh thanks folks
Got one on the slr camera
It would be on the dfond merely for protection only

Have Skylight filters on all my SLR lenses to protect the front element :+1:

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I do, on all lenses, including the drones. They’re pretty cheap and replaceable so to me it makes sense. Maybe less so on a drone, but I have always been in the habbit of doing it my camera equipment so also do it with the drone. If you have a serious crash your gimble will most likely be gubbed, but a light one? The filter will take the impact a little and give you a second chance. The other thing I think about is constant cleaning. What if there is a tiny spec of grit on your cleaning cloth? Rub it over your lens and you have a scratch. Most likely not noticeable in the picture to be honest, but having a filter on the front takes the worry out of it for me. Maybe a bit of OCD?

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If you’re shooting into the light then remove all unnecessary filters, fewer air to glass interfaces will reduce flare.

easily taken care of in editing?

Cheers all
Any recommendations which cheapy clear filter could buy for the mini 3?


Not sure how many grams they weigh, will adding a filter take your drone over 249g?


I saw a coloured one and it was saying 0.7g

Will check first though incase👍

Not easy to deal with in editing, dehaze may help, but glare tends to be uneven.

Depends on what the shot is. I find a polariser is good if there are likely to be a lot of reflections (glass, water), and ND for bright conditions. Lens protection is not the foremost thing in my mind; I keep the lens and the filters clean, but it is important (I

Do these replies also relate to the Mini 4 Pro?
I ask because I’m under the impression I need to remove some sort of lens protector before I fit a neutral density filter - when the sun comes out!

So I bet you resist as long as poss putting cloth or brush to a brand new lens, huh?:grin:

yes. When I pay 1200 quid for a lens it doesn’t get used until there is a filter over the front. I’ll not ba able to afford another lens like that for quite some time, so I stick a 50 quid filter on the front.
Is there something unreasonable or stupid in my thinking?


Absolutely not Darren, :+1:

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Nope - you’d think Canon, Nikon et al would provide one with the lens!!!

i am sure there is a better reason than just money, but some thinking is that uv filters effect quality of photo, same with mobiles some companies give you a screen protector and a charger, and some dont.

Yes cheap filters can have an effect, especially if couple with poorer lenses. When I was shooting many moons ago with a canon T90 coupled with cheap lenses and filters it caused problems. Filters and glass has come such a long way since then.