Dolphin Build

Just started the Inav side of my build and hit a stumbling block, my FC (Speedybee405wing) will not connect to Inav I just keep getting the below.

Not really sure what its asking me here or how to resolve it, tried flashing ZAG as to see if it was a driver issue but no such luck…

I’ve had the same message since a Windows update the other day it seems to happen when anything with a memory/storage is plugged in via USB

I had to install the Impulse RC drivers as described here for Betaflight - Can't Connect to Betaflight or Flash Firmware - Fixing flight controller driver issue - Oscar Liang

Hmm that makes sense mine did one the other day :man_facepalming:t2: bloody typical will check out the Oscar post below :crossed_fingers:t3:

Thanks for the advice guys all sorted now, was a bugger to sort as wasn’t playing ball, but got there in the end. Just configuring FC and noticed in configurator tab it has a an OLED Screen Display button, anyone know what this does as tried googling but nothing explained …

Painless did a video about it (he covers loads of stuff on wings)

Funny part is I scroll down a few comments and find a familiar face @Steviegeek :smiley:


oooh not what I thought it was for :man_facepalming:t3: ok cheers Cedric :+1:t3:

Slightly off topic but related. Have you seen ?


Wow, that was some years ago :laughing::laughing:

Ok 99% there just having an issue with my channel mapping no matter what I do the oppersite flap moves. My FC is facing backwards which iv changed in alignments, and I’ve tried even tried changing the switch servo’s connections over but still no luck…

We can fix this at the field :smile:

The secret is to forget about the tx sticks and using the configurator tabs MIXER & OUTPUT get it responding correctly on ANGLE re the High Five Test
Only when this is right turn to you transmitter and using the reverse option in the OUTPUTS screen set the sticks to move correctly, again using the High Five Test

Yah this is the problem everything work ion the high 5 apart from the left and right ailrons which go the opersite was :man_facepalming:t3:

Reverse them in the OUTPUT tab in the configurator
Also check the left elevon servo goes to Serial 3 and right to serial 4

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All sorted thanks Steve just need to tweek a few things and I think she is ready to go…

:clap: :clap::clap:
Look forward to the maiden

Finger crossed it goes well lol …

Just followed this seems to fly pretty good …