Had an email from Mike Singer today at phantomhelp.com - some of you may have also had the same email.
He’s made some downward-facing Strobon Cree mounts 

Available to purchase from: DJI Mavic Pro STROBON Cree Strobe Light Mounts | Phantom Help
Sadly, the cost of shipping to the UK makes some of Mike’s stuff prohibitive 
And without wishing to harm his trade, if anyone in the UK were able to produce these on their 3D printer, I’m pretty sure you’d have a captive audience here!
I still prefer my cable-tie method.
(can leave them on full time and it still folds OK)
Also … judging by how those LED props of mine caught the very small clasps of the cable ties, I’d imagine the DJI quieter props (that the LED props are made from) might also catch the top of that mount. 
Continuing @Drumsagard lol
I did consider the clips and getting two front arm forward facing ones but being forward facing the drone would have to be facing me to see them and the same rear facing that I won’t see them if flying forwards myself. I wanted them to be visible regardless of direction.
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I find that with the downward facing clips I can see the lights no matter which direction my M2P or M2 are facing. My VLOS has got longer with the cree’s as often now all I can see in the sky is two flashing white lights

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Good to know for the VLOS side of it, but what about the intended purpose of the bird being visible for 3 miles to others. I’m guessing they mean manned aircraft?
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Possibly. I find they are better in low light situations, but even then I doubt if you could see them 3 miles away, unless as you said, from manned aircraft. I use mine during the day too, the white light helps in bright skies, but even then I do occasionally lose vlos briefly, when I find it again it’s usually the lights I see first.
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Awesome, thanks mate, another thing that put me off front mounts was them interfering with the camera causing glare. I guess you could get this off downward facing too if shooting straight down shots.
I’ve not used them yet so will just test and play around with them see what works best. 
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As I said Steve, mine are on the back legs facing down, absolutely no issues with either photo or video, even with downward facing shots.
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