Drone Visibility

Does anyone have any good tips for those (hopefully rare) occasions when you momentarily lose visibility with your grey drone against the grey sky?

I’ve seen other threads about these Strobon CREE LED’s and may ultimately get a couple but I was curious if anyone else had tried other solutions.

My Mavic Air 2 does have an additional LED underneath the body but others have mentioned that it doesn’t always do the job.


Press RTH and your faith in the inbuilt safety features and drone will be returned!!


Turn the drone round so it faces you (you can see this by the little white arrow on your controller) then bring it back towards you


Depends how high you are, if you have a general direction make sure its nose out and climb or descend quickly you can usually pick it back up


Of course, you’re all absolutely correct. I should have faith in the RTH/controller and picking it back up if I move it a bit.

I do suffer from excess swirlies in my eyes, even with sunglasses and this is causing me to be overly concerned with always knowing where the thing is.


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Not sure which intelligent flight modes you have if you have home lock you can try that out see how comfortable you are with it first then apply when you need too.
Home lock works by having the drone fly to or from your home position in a direct line.
It doesn’t matter which way the drone is orientated if you push right stick forward (mode2) it fly away from home point in direct line. Pull stick backwards it will travel direct in a straight line towards home point.
You can pan the drone etc while going in either direction.
I’ve used it couple of times when got disorientated at distance. Remember heights of obstacles between you and drone though.


If you quickly move it left and right a few times it gets bigger and is easier to spot. No… wait… that’s the cursor on a Mac.

Seriously though, on those occasions my first instinct is to climb a little - that’s usually enough movement to make the drone pop out.


I know you’ve already mentioned the LED light on the bottom of the MA2 but I’ve found linking the Function button on the controller to that light. Sometimes when doing sunset pictures on low light a quick double tap of that can help when locating it!

Also Polarised sunglasses are a must for picking it out on sunny days!


Hmmm, I had the same issues with my Mini, grey on grey isn’t a winning combination eh?

I wrapped mine (Wrapgrade Stealth Black) and that has definitely made a huge difference.

I’ll be having a play with Flytron Cree Standalones in the next few days.


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Don’t forget to protect your eyes. They really are bright!


Yeah, I’d read that… :sunglasses:


Well, the box said polarised but I’m having serious issues with some clip ons for my glasses at the moment. Might have to go prescription.

That’s a definite consideration down the line. Black and dayglo yellow should attract a few more wasps than usual.

I went for white instead of yellow…

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Damn. Not available on the Air 2. That would’ve been useful.

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