EASA C classification transition dates postponed


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I’ll not hold my breath while waiting to find someone who might be shocked by this news :rofl:


I am shocked that they have announced it now and not waited until 31 December 2022.


It doesn’t apply to the UK, but I’m sure the CAA will follow suit when they get around to it.


‘1 January 2023’ is replaced by ‘1 January 2024’

This will encourage more folk to buy now, rather than wait for a ‘classed’ drone

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It will apply to UK as UK have signed up to comply with EASA regs.

Little thing called “Brexit” means that no, it does not apply to the UK. No new European regulation or amendment to existing regulations does. We have a “frozen” version of the EASA regs as they applied when we left, and to amend that we now have to introduce new regulations of our own.

I’m confident the CAA will match the EASA changes closely though.


Without doubt.

There is absolutely no way they’ll be ready in just nine months from now.

The UK will almost certainly follow but for the CAA to do the extension they will need to get an amended directive from Parliament. After Brexit the current directive and dates for the intro of the class markings were authorised by the UK Parliament. Any alteration to that directive must also be derivative by Parliament. To clarify the above: the CAA does not hold the authority to make the change. They only have authority to implement.


Another thing under the ‘Too Difficult’ heading.
What is it with people today? Why can’t they get on and do their bloody jobs?
Mind you, with the example this goverment is setting.

I think there has been a few more important things going on around the world in the last couple of years, look at this way we will get more use out of the legacy drones for longer ;o)

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So if you are relatively new to the hobby, as I am, and you bought just a cheap drone, with a mind to upgrade later if you took to the hobby, would you go out now and buy a new drone?

Or would you wait until ‘classed’ drones become available?

Buy now, no one knows when things will change.


Agreed, it is very likely the dates will be pushed back again.

Don’t wait, get out there and enjoy the hobby :slight_smile:


I’m with the others buy now and enjoy now if you wait you could be waiting for ages , if you get a mini 2 most of the restrictions won’t effect you anyway.

Since leaving the EU a Market Surveillance Authority (MSA) is required to monitor and enforce. There are several MSA’s in operation at the moment that govern such things as Medicines and Healthcare (MHRA), Vehicle Regulations (VCA), Office of Rail and Road (ORR), but you guessed it… there’s nothing for the standardisation of UAV technology, nor is there likely to be before this year’s end.

To be honest all this noise about “C” labelling is just that - Noise.

It’s no secret I have one or two drones in my collection ( I have a sickness) and even with the introduction of C classification I don’t see a scenario where I won’t be able to use them in the future in the same way I use them now. And I would hazard a guess that will be the same for the vast majority of hobby and leisure users of drones.