Emax Tinyhawk 2 Freestyle RTF Range issues

Morning folks,

I have taken the TH2F out for it maiden voyage, crashed in double digits and going strong, success…?

However, is it me or is the range crazy small? I’m.bafely making 10m before it loses signal and plummets to the ground, is there something I should be doing to set up for further, or is it a limitation of the aircraft, or of the remote? On that note, what about goggles…? I’m assuming that would be next.

Any advice on what I need in an ideal work would be super handy, until I get better I’d like a little distance from myself and objects to practice manoeuvres, without the immediate plummet, as I’m more than capable of doing that myself.


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Yes that’s the limitations of an SPI receiver. Hence why most of us have ended up modding ours with Crossfire lol also make sure your antenna hasn’t been chopped by the props out of the box it’s just flapping about out the back and can easily get chopped in the props secure it with a zip tie and some heatshrink :+1:t2:

Goggles will depend on if you plan on going HD or anologe? (I’d assume if you’ve got the DJI FPV you’ll be going HD as you will already have the goggles) you can buy an adaptor and an anologe module to fit the DJI goggles for the best of both worlds that’s what I’ve done.

Didgi adapter:

Anologe module (do some research as there are other modules that will work (any fatshark compatible module) this is just the one I’ve got:

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So, swap the receiver with a Crossfire one? That’s a strip and solder job isn’t it? Might as well upgrade the antenna too whilst there?

Done and Done :metal:

This appeals to me - It sounds like i have less bulky kit but versatile, swap back and forth depending what im flying, are there disadvantages to this? Will i need to change VTX?

Ok, so i guess im going to be delving into modification earlier than expected, although not surprised, what do i need? Generally dont like budget stuff if i will likely upgrade it in the near future, so if there’s a particular decent soldering iron for example, let me know what that is so i dont suddenly need another one in a couple of months. I have a basic iron currently but my experience is limited to soldering guitar cables and the odd mod.

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All the Tinyhawk mods are covered in the Cheap Lock Down Quad (Emax Tinyhawk freestyle1/2) thread.

As for soldering irons you can’t go wrong with the TS100 :+1:t2:

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Im going back through the post as we speak, im just not able to follow 100% at the minute, a lot to take in :sweat_smile:


The main mod is a tbs nano rx and vtx on a single pcb. Bit of a bitch to do if you’re not used to small soldering.


Ok, so sounds like i have a deep dive into my first mod then. Can someone confirm if this list is correct, compatible and complete?

Looking at the following for Transmitter:



Stuff i dont understand:
VTX/RX Sled :


Am i missing anything? Antennas…?

Really appreciate the help, i generally learn fast but i feel im trying to run before i can walk, still eager though!

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Only issue I see is the special edition of the Nano RX you’d only need the normal version as the tinyhawk would struggle to lift the Immoral T.

Antenna yeah you’ll need an antenna for the VTX although the VTX will come with a linear antenna that will work but for better video range you’d want a singularity antenna. I use the TrueRC:

And you’ll need some RHCP antennas for your goggle module.

It’s an expensive hobby to start lol

Also if you’re looking at the TX16S then you’ll need the crossfire micro module for the back of it:


Tips from me…

Don’t buy a plug-in power supply for the TS100 iron if you already have a 3S or 4S LiPo battery, save your money

Don’t buy the Crossfire Nano receiver ‘Special Edition’, you won’t be using the supplied Immortal T antenna, buy the standard Nano Receiver

Buy this antenna, it fits the Tiny Hawk perfectly (see photo below)



@BeardandBraces Careful when you peak down the rabbit hole, it’s easy to fall in :grin: I agree its a huge learning curve to start with but you will start getting to grips with it :+1:t2:
Don’t forget you will need a decent set of goggles too.
If you go down the digital route you’ll need the DJI V2 Goggles or if you go analogue you’ll probably be looking at Fatshark or SkyZone. They will be another lump of cash :money_with_wings:


Sorry just re read the first post and looks like you have the DlJI goggles already, my bad lol

He already has the DJI FPV drone so has the V2 goggles already :+1:t2:

Yeah my bad for not reading properly Deano :man_facepalming: lol

I’ll go sit back in the corner and stick my pointy hat back on :grin:

that was a pretty intense shopping trip for me, not going to lie. especially when i just remembered i need a battery for the tx16s :roll_eyes:

thanks for the help guys, i do appreciate it, the bank account doesn’t though, its gone into hiding.

I got the HobbyRC solder and some flux, that stuff ok? Its leaded…

I cant seem to find the truerc singularity antenna - any other recommendations there? Or is that kind of it?

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There are other options but I’ve only used TrueRC myself so far (I’m still new to fpv)
Maybe something like this TBS Triumph Pro will do the job but wait for one of the guys that will know better than me before you purchase as I’m not sure just how small it needs to be to fit the TH2FS

Oh also when you do buy a VTX antenna you get a choice between Left or Right polarisation. Make sure the ones you get for your goggles have matching polarisation or you will have poor performance issues :+1:t2:

You’ve had the same journey as most of us getting in to fpv have had.

Thfs2 is great but you quickly hit its limitations.

As you are upgrading to crossfire I’d look at something like the Tango 2 as a tx as it’s built to work with crossfire.

I’ve moved all of my drones apart from one on to crossfire so use the same tx and settings for all - just makes life easier!

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I’d agree but Tango 2’s are like rocking horse shit lol impossible to find in stock and weeks or even months to back order.

Although the tango 2 will feel more like the DJI FPV drone controller in the hand.