Falkirk Kelpies - Added to Iconic Landscapes and Ancient Sites in Scotland

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission not required.

Helix Park allow drones to be flown here. Just adhere to CAA rules and be mindful of crowds on busy days.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 06/06/2024. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


I’ve flown here too @JockyB :grin:

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Then you missed a trick not adding the location.

Losing your touch! :wink:

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I thought there was already a marker on there, surprised me when there wasn’t… Flew it in September 2022, only 4 weeks after having the drone, and during a work trip to the area…

Video is nothing spectacular, and it was before their policy changed…

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When I looked on Dronescene, I was surprised there wasn’t a marker. I know quite a few members have flown here. A wee bit windy today ( which will show on the video I will edit when I return home ) Lovely place though and very scenic. Nice of Helix Park to allow the flying of drones too :+1::+1::+1:


Is a marker in the wrong place perhaps?

This already exists? :thinking:

Nope, thats a very different site…


I’m not familiar with the area, are these different horses then? :thinking:

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They are smaller scale than the Kelpies. :wink::wink:


Thanks for the confirmation, I can’t believe this was never on the map either :blush:

Great addition John :smiley:


There are small scale models at the Kelpies as well


These were models created by the sculptor to show the public what they would look like. These toured the world as a promo for the project. At the bottom of one of the horses is a figure of a person to give scale to the finished project.

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My first time here ( meant to go last year but didn’t have time as my cousin insisted on taking us to Oban for a few days) A stunning location to fly. I was in awe of the size of them :+1:


I’ve flown here too @JockyB :grin:

Amazing place Kenneth. Impressive size Baron and Duke :+1::+1:

Found out yesterday they were made near me in Sherburn in Elmet (home to @yorkie9668 too)


I’ve flown here too @JockyB :grin:


And crashed as well :wink::wink:

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This week I found myself working in this area and had time to visit the amazing Kelpie sculptures set on Helix Park ( https://maps.app.goo.gl/vuUDy4Zugv895a9BA ).

To my delight (and frustration, having not brought my drone along) a sign actively welcomes drones up to 500g to the park subject to the usual Drone Code rules. What a refreshing change!


I wouldn’t be showing anyone any sort of ID while going about my lawful business.