Have been thinking this could be useful for arranging local meets and also for people looking for local meets to attend.
An automated layer in DroneScene for ‘Meets’ where you can add a pin to the DroneScene map with a time/date etc and then it gets added automatically to the ‘Meets’ section on the forum with a link back to the DroneScene map in the same way that adding a new location to the map currently adds a post to the ‘Where to Fly Your Drone’ section with a link back to the DroneScene map. Could maybe give the meet pins a different colour to the location pins so people can easily search the map for upcoming meets?
Nice idea @SirGunner they could be temporary locations that once the day of the meet is over they remove themselves from the map. Sounds like an awesome idea to me would also mean people who are just browsing for somewhere to fly they will know others from the club will be at certain locations as well.
Either that or they revert to normal ‘Where to fly’ locations. Good idea Deano
or maybe have the option to keep or remove after because lets face it some of the meet locations might not be suitable as a regular place to fly like the farm at the big meet for one example or somebodies flying field like the one in Tamworth where you need to be a member or a guest of a member.
Could maybe even have a button/option to create a meet from an existing ‘Where to fly’ location?
This one is on the road map
I was thinking pretty much the same thing as you Steve @SirGunner
It should support multiple pins too, where to park, where to meet, where the nearest food/rest areas are etc.
Then we have a “Meet Ups” layer that people can turn on and off so they can see all the planned meets. And an archived layer to keep all the details of previous meets.
Cross-posting to the forum is a given, we could probably automate the badges for the facilitator and a button for people click to say they’re attending (also cross-posting, and badging).
Will shout when starting this one and ask for some more suggestions on how best it could work
FYI everyone, the reason our road map isn’t public is because rather than making their own innovative new things for the drone community to enjoy, some people like to just copy and imitate absolutely everything we do
Thats great news Rich, as Ive said before I dont know anything about coding or how easy/difficult it would be to implement an idea so its good to know that this one is an achievable feature and not just a pipe dream
I really need to learn to read between the lines