File upload / attachment size increased to 100MB

Hi everyone,

We made a change to our discussion forum today in order to allow us to support larger photo and file uploads / attachments in your posts.

In the past we’ve always had a 10MB 50MB file size limit. From today we now support files uploads of up to 100MB each :+1:t2:

Hopefully, by eliminating the need for you to resize your photos before uploading them should make things a lot easier, and a lot less hassle.

However, please remember that we are not YouTube and that this forum is not the place to directly upload 74GB of unedited 8K video footage :blush:

For videos, please continue to upload them directly to YouTube or Vimeo, then simply paste the URL of the video in to a blank line in your post in order to embed the video player automatically.

Thanks everyone, hope the new 100MB limit helps!


Thank you👍🏻

Richard Mason

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Thank you :+1:

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Thank you, (i’ve no idea what it means but it’s obviously positive) so thumbs up I say. :+1: :+1: :+1:

Nice one @PingSpike


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Great news. Thank you.

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Thank You for the update,