First flight photos

This was a couple of pictures from my first flight around my home town. Still trying to understand my DJI Spark controls.


Cracking pics! :+1:

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Great shots! Awesome colours :ok_hand:

Really great shots, particularly if your first flight. Clearly a natural!

Lovely shots

Very nice where was the pictures taken look like rural England .

Great Kickstart photos to your drone world Clive, keep up the great work.
And a big welcome to GADC, from one of the regulars.

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Real good shots there :clap:

Very nice! :+1::blush:

Can I ask a newbie question please? I thought we needed to be 150m from buildings.

Lovely shots though

Maybe he was? :man_shrugging:

Zoom lens, cropped photo, 101 possibilities :slight_smile: