Flight notifications

Hi everyone, just wondering if anyone puts an intention of flight notice on line and if so who with? I have done it a couple of times with altitude angel but do not see many published on there. Thanks and safe flying.

People do and they use Drone Scene. It shares the same datasets as Altitude angel and more from other sources. It also has a large number of sites that have been flown by GADC members who have taken a few minutes to give a description, share a picture and detail things such as access and car parking.

Land controlled by the National Trust (restrictive) and the Crown Estates (drone friendly) are two of the many layers. A new feature is showing which councils have drone by-laws in place and what they are. Give it a try. If you are using a mobile make a link to your home screen then it’s always quickly available.

And it’s free!

And if you want to see how much time and effort goes into the continual improvement of Drone Scene then check this thread

The development of Drone Scene continues!