Fly by wire (fibre optic) for unjammable drone warfare


That reel holds 20 km of fibre! Look how thin it is!

You really think that would tow a water-skier? Really?

That could possibly pull a small mouse, with lolly sticks attached to its feet :wink::wink:


Now both sides have the technology…



Yeah, but the Russkies have got old grannies in the gulags, knitting the fibre optic cable out of loft insulation :joy::joy::joy:


They not flying that fast, and that AMP draw, the munitions on these are huge, that’s 1400W draw at that point!

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Thats madness 10km cable

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A pair of scissors and it’s f****d :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

What’s the current cost and availability on 10km of single core optic fibre “cable”?

£988 quid :smiley:

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1k every time I go out for a flight… naa… let’s face it once you wrap it around a tree or bush you are goosed…

it’s still cheap compared to other ways. also this can be used for targeted attack inside buildings, etc… if we talk about one way drone, even 5k EUR is relatively cheap.