Fly in no fly zone

Hi I was wondering if somebody could help me going to Scotland would like to photograph connel bridge which is in no fly zone near Oban Airport would I get permission to fly there if I called air traffic control

The bridge is both close to the airport and close to the runway centerline … I’m guessing it will mainly be down to how busy the airport is.

The only people who can advise are the airport’s ATC, so nothing to be lost by contacting them.

If it is possible, they’ll advise procedure come the time, and advise any restrictions.

Give them a call.

Would I be better off flying when airport is closed airport opens from 9am to 5pm would I still need permission from air traffic control

FRZs are 24/7 … so, yes.

Most importantly, if someone “reports” you to the police and you have ATC permission, you are in the clear.

Certainly, though, if its hours mean you can get the shots you want when it is closed, I’m sure ATC will both appreciate this and be more likely to give permission.

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Ok thanks for your quick reply will ring them when I get there next month probably fly when airport is closed also I send caa a email to ask what I need to do to fly there and just got a reply back

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Indeed. Operationally, nothing to do with the CAA, they just make the rules. :wink:

Because of the proximity to the airport, I’d contact them at least a few days in advance. Gives them time to speak to their senior controller, if needed.

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Ok thanks will do

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The theory is that they should be able to give an instant response but, especially if you’re traveling a distance to get there, best to minimise any delays in them giving permission.
Every ATC runs this their own way, no single approach.
They may just say “No probs! Call us during certain hours on the day.” (Hopefully!)
But, they may not … so best to give both parties the chance to make it happen.

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I will probably ring them a couple a days in advance and ask them when is best time to fly all depends on weather but up there for 2 weeks so plenty of time

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Also, let us know how it goes. Useful info for others! :+1:


Ok will do if I get permission will post photos + videos


Hi Naz,
I live about 3 miles away. I have wondered, although I have never asked ATC about it. The airport runs a few sightseeing flights in twin engined Otters, there is no scheduled traffic from there. Probably a few PPLs and the odd Microlight, so you should be able to get permission. I’d be interested to come along too, if you let me know when you’re doing it.
I don’t know how long you’ll be in the area but if you time it right, on a spring tide, you will get some spectacular footage. The Falls of Lora is basically under the bridge, where the tide is rushing in or out over a rocky area.
It ranges from flat calm to an absolutely raging whitewater with huge standing waves, you won’t believe it when you see it. How the paddlers have the balls is beyond me! They disappear into huge troughs.
Here’s a website with info. There’s a table of the best times and dates to see it.

As I say, let me know when, It would be great to meet up and I can show you where the best vantage points are etc.


Here’s an example!


Ok thanks for that information Andrew I will pm you to let you know when I am up there look forward to meeting you hopefully will get some good shots

If you’re flying a dji drone you will have to contact them also for an unlock code, even if ATC say yes your drone wont start unless the app is unlocked.

I didn’t realise that. I thought there would be a way of overriding it in the app.

Would that be the same if you were flying with Litchi?

Depending on which type of zone you want to unlock you may still be able to fly with litchi without any problems, some zones require you to unlock in dji go app first , then switch to litchi.

I have had a look on DJI fly safe zone and it is not showing up as a no fly zone hopefully I will get permission from ATC will not need an unlock zone code

Indeed. Certainly looks like just an ATC thing. :+1: