Flying a DJI in FRZ

Question, I am flying a DJI mini 3 and I would like to fly in a FRZ in the summer.
I know need to contact the local airfield for permission ( RAF Leuchars ) and inform the police but what I would like to know is do I need to change any settings in my controller to allow this.


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As long as the FlySafe database is up to date, then all you need to do is acknowledge the pop-up warning.

Here is a screenshot from when I clicked on the Leuchars zone I the DJI Fly app.

As an aside, where are you planning on flying? I want to get the golf courses and beach filmed this year.

The police dont need to know, nor do they want to know. You just need to follow the process to get approval from whoever controls the FRZ. I have contacted numerous ATC and they are all very cooperative and amenable.

You do at Leuchars. An incident number is required from 101 before ATC will give permission.


They do in Scotland. Iā€™ve had permission from Glasgow, Prestwick and Cumbernauld ATC, but first had to supply them with a Police Incident Number. ATC wonā€™t give permission without it. Also means that if someone phones the poice to report a drone, they already know about it.


Iā€™m hoping to photograph them this year too :+1:

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Some more info worth a read here, as already stated make sure the Fly safe database is up to date


A St Andrews mini-meet is on the cards :smile:


Just seen this is Scotland. Iā€™ve no idea about their rules. Ill keep my mouth shut in future.

Iā€™d presume this is a CAD number rather than an ā€™ incident ā€™ one.

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Not sure what a CAD number is, but itā€™s an incident number you have to ask for.


The Rhynd cafe. Other side from the golf course. Between leuchers and tayport. A friend runs McGregor stone lifting competitions. Sounds corney but is a realy good day out and entertaining. Free entry for spectators if your intrested. ( google it)
I have done photos for them before.


Ah they do the car meet! I was at the West Sands parking last summer and there was a few chopped ā€˜30s/ā€˜40s US pickups and I wondered where they came from.

Will have to have a pop up one Sunday on the bike.

Nobody has pointed out (yet) that as well as seeking permission ATC appreciate a courtesy call to say that you are on site and and a ā€˜thank youā€™ call when you have finished flying. It gets you brownie points for next time :slight_smile:


Same thing.

Interestingly as a complet novice who might have rushed in at the start of my journey, I have flown in a FRZ without asking permission at all and simple ticking the warning on the controller at least 3 times. A couple of times I think I also reached a decent height.

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Yep, itā€™s the first thing they tell you when you get permission. Also, that they may call you during your flight to bring your drone down, if they need you to.


Thatā€™s usual here in England. The FRZā€™s Iā€™ve flown in with permission, always came with the ā€œYou must contact ATC on xxxxxxxxxxxx before your flight and contact them immediately after your flight has endedā€. :wink::wink:


You might want to read the later posts in this thread where was asking similar questions and got some hepful answers from others.

I went through this quite recently and was confused as the manual told me I had to unlock the controller. These guys set me straight!
As others have said you do need a police incident number - in my experience they are used to this and know what you are asking for. ATC will ask you to call before take off and after landing. Both were very helpful and it was all much easier than I expected.

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