Flying requirements when visiting the UK

Hi All,

I will be coming to the UK to see family and holiday, I wish to use my drone (air2s) and do some scenic photography, Landscape etc, however your drone laws are just a wee bit tighter than here in Australia.
I have been online and have obtained a flyer ID and then promptly fell down the rabbit hole of different categories, laws and regulations CAP 382…CAP722 etc and now I am completely confused.
My question is. The A2 sub Cat is it a must have requirement ? when my my flyer ID gives me A1-A3 Sub Cat to fly.
Ill be back in the UK for only four weeks, If I can avoid spending the nearly $200 Aus for the A2 it would be nice, but I also wish to stay on the right side of the law.
Thanks in advance for the advise

Hi @Stew72

Run a few of your flying scenarios through “Good 2 Go”, it’ll give you a good idea of where you can fly without having to sink more money in to your visit: