Flying through mist canopy

Hi All, I am planning to get some dawn shots and the forecast is for a misty start. I plan to be at about 65m, but this depends on the thickness of the mist. Has anyone any experience and/or issues regarding downward sensors and RTH. I plan to TOAL in a field and be over fields, not buildings, so my main concern is losing the drone.

So long as you are within RC range, the mist should not interfere with the signal, and therefore RTH can be used if you are uncertain of the drone’s exact position. A stroble light will be useful to keep VLOS in the mist, as will the map positioning (bottom left corner of screen with DJI Fly). The map positioning panel can also function as a bearing/distance indicator to the drone from the home position.


Please use the search :mag_right: function as questions like this have been asked many times and starting a new thread is not always necessary. Mist and fog can play havoc with the downward sensor but I’ve had it when it doesn’t

:point_up_2:My guess is you’ve never flown in fog or mist :scream:


You do realise water absorbs radio waves, and you know what mist is comprised of? You don’t know how misty the conditions will be, and certainly you don’t want to be flying in mist where you need a strobe to have an idea on position.

The long-form stories you come out with I don’t mind but the amount of potentially harmful “advice” you give is not on.


Can you find higher ground so you are already above any inversion. As otherwise you have no idea how deep it is.

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or at all… ever…before… :thinking:


When I was in wales a few wakes back where I was at the time was way above the clouds in some places, but on the other hand at lower ground then I was below …

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I flown into mist to grab a video of an effect I wanted to do and took the drone to around 80m.
It was a coastal shoot so well away from anything built up.

I didn’t have any overall issues with the signal but my drone did return a tad damp.

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Which is exactly why the speeds on my wireless broadband connection slows down when it’s raining or foggy.


What in Scotland - really :joy: :joy:

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I get up to 80 meg before the trees get into full leaf. Then it drops until they start falling off in the autum, then winter arrives with the snow and rain. I get about 4 weeks of the year at higher speeds :sleepy:

Flying in mist/fog , moisture can build up on the drone too and you really don’t want to risk any water getting inside your drone. Last year I was visiting my sister in Monmouth, got up on the Sunday morning to find a layer of mist/fog over the Wye valley. Thought it looked rather picturesque, so waited a short while ( having a cuppa/ breakfast. Quarter hour later the mist had risen up the valley to sisters house. Got the drone out thinking I can send it straight up and over the mist. Drone was only in the air for about 5-6 minutes at the most. When I landed the drone the body was actually dripping with the moisture it had gathered.


Done exactly the same with one of my Air 2’s it was like it had been in a bucket of water :grimacing:
After a blow with the air dryer then drone turned on so the fan kicked in & props spinning was all ok.

Hi Nikonitis,

A few weeks ago I flew up through a fog canopy to clear sky above. There was no problem with signal strength or RTH but whilst actually in the fog I had an “optical avoidance disabled” warning. No problem in itself and the warning cleared when the drone was out of the fog.

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I did but none of the results related to the Mini 4 pro and were all over 3 yrs old. With the speed that the tech changes, I figure things have probably changed, hence my question. I can also see it has raised the temperature of debate, with differing opinions.

On this occasion, I won’t be able to get to higher ground. But your point is well founded, thank you

Was it your post of a lovely little film of a plume of exhaust from a chimney above the clouds at sunset?

Oooh. Was the drone OK?

I think I shall assess the conditions before launching, based on what people, like yourself are saying. It makes sense. I’m not keen to damage the drone.

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I am anticipating a fairly thin veil of mist. If its a thick blanket I’ll probably abort. As has been mentioned, mist is floating moisture, so it could do damage.