Caught on my security camera.
Very Jack & Vera
HaHa. That took me a couple of seconds. Not watched it for over 10 years.
Just googled it and they been dead for 9 and 11 years. Mrs is an avid fan, I stay out of the way.
So those are pictures of ghost birds…?
Seeing as they have been dead for years OR am I missing something
I thought a Lancashire lad would have had the flying birds above the fireplace as a lad (and probably still)
Bye elk lad I don’t know what tha meens
We couldn’t afford fireplaces we did have paraffin heaters (didn’t want to mention I knew what they happened to be )
And a lamp in the outside kazy to stop it freezing up
That was very close to the mark.
It’s a ghost image of a single bird flying through the clip.
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