Forrest of Bowland - Added to Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in North West

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene - Location # 692

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

Plenty of parking at the side of the road next to the bridge.

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 24/07/2020. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


Thanks for adding this to DroneScene, @joneb.

There is a known issue that sometimes causes an error message that you probably saw, and the entry doesn’t appear immediately on DS. This will be sorted later.

Thanks for the information @OzoneVibe, I think I probably added this 6 times before noticing it had posted!

@OzoneVibe - I’ve noticed it’s posted in “South West”. It should be “North West”. Do you know if I’m able to change this?

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Once the post is available on DS, I’ll make sure this change is made.

@OzoneVibe - Thanks very much

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The entry on DroneScene has been fixed, and now the link in your post above will take you to it. :+1:

Stunning views, nicely edited video too.

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I’ve flown here too @joneb :grin:

I want to fly here, but there are no parking or take off and landing markers. Can anyone that has flown here or knows the area add some markers to the map please?

I’ve just added a new Take Off And Landing marker to this location @joneb @Tyke2701