Found any cool .STL files? Share them here

Found this on thingiverse:

By far the best model I’ve printed to date.

Printed in 9 hours 33 minutes at .2 layer height


Think I might do one of these:

Yeah seen that, looks proper cool. Im running out of places to put all these awesome prints though :rofl:

And by the way, you can now get the GoPro-compatible version of my RunCam Thumb holder on Thingiverse. Now with added USB port access.

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I broke my ender 3 and couldn’t get it to print right, figured out what I’d done the other day so yesterday I fixed it. (I’d over tightened the eccentric nuts on the Z axis so it was to tight so my layers where to squished as the Z rod couldn’t lift the correct height)

So yesterday after fixing the issue I jumped on thingiverse and grabbed the top file to use as a test print:

Here is my results:

Came out awesome :grin:


Another cool free STL, at least this one is functional lol

A Nintendo Switch game organiser.

You print the lettering and logo separately and press fit them into the base.

I printed this for my sister-in-laws birthday so not only is a 3D printer awesome it can save you money on buying gifts :rofl:

Don’t know if this has been shared yet but looks like a pretty useful addition. I can’t print it unfortunately as my bed aint big enough :frowning:

No more gimble cover to piss about with!!! I might try printing in four parts, anyone have experience doing this?

that’s awesome, I might have to give that a print at some point. Think I seen a remix of it as well that adds a slot for a spare battery to be clicked in on top as well that would be cool. also need to see if there is one for the remote as well as not sure I’d want that rattling around in my pocket :rofl:

I was just searching through Cults 3d printing .STL files , with anyone with issues on bed levelling a cheap option is in the link … I thought this was quite useful …

@DeanoG60 :point_up:

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won’t fit my ender 7 lol but cheers anyways @Steviegeek :+1:t2:

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Sorry, thought it was already posted…

nah I told Steve I was having issues leveling my bed on my Ender 7. :+1:t2:

:crossed_fingers:t2: my BLTouch is hopefully in the post :+1:t2:

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Managed to print this tricky thing yesterday. Its the supercomputer from the film Lucy.
I was banking on an antenna mount for my 7", but pretty pleased with the result.


wheres the link to the STL? others might want to print it too!

Very Unique !! :smiley:

my bad, thought it was the Ender 3 you were having difficulties with :slightly_smiling_face:

nah thats set and forget :ok_hand:t2:

found and printed another cool .STL from thingiverse:

Printed this while I was at the big meet over the weekend. Took 16 hours in total at 100% scale with 10% grid infill.

Added a bit of paint to finish it off:

doesn’t require supports so its a nice easy print :grin:


Next, a remix with LED eyes. :wink:

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