GADC 4th Birthday Challenge

Actually, given the current situation, I’m wondering if my planned 100 mile tour of Derbyshire just to get a couple of drone shots is the best idea.


Not trying to lose you a point - but where is the single track road?


Question for @Challenges_Committee This is a poor screengrab - but is this a mobile crane?

And no, this is not an entry :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’ll be a telehandler mate :+1:t4:


But it is on a single track! :+1:

Someone stole my diggers :man_facepalming:. When I was dropping my wife at work yesterday there were two 360 excavators at the premises next door. Went back this morning to get photos and they were gone, so it’s back to the drawing board. It wasn’t totally wasted time, I got some footage of the town hall walled garden and the local marina.

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If the people who took them are anything like round here they will be taken apart and packed in a container and will be down the docks waiting on a boat to Africa :slight_smile:

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Over here in NI it’s more likely they’re away somewhere ripping a cash machine out of a wall.

This sort of thing happens all the time. When I went for my hospital appointment last week there was a big, green mobile crane at the site next door, lifting something. Didn’t have my drone with me. By the time I’d been home and back to get it (half an hour, tops) it was gone.

I’m looking at my standing now and I have 7 points in the bank, with potentially a further 8-10 if I go tear-arsing around the countryside all weekend. That won’t change my position at all, even if no-one else earns any more points. I did manage to get petrol this morning, but there’s always more pressing things to do with my time, and the weather’s not that great anyway.

So, although this has never been about the winning, I think I’ll just submit what I have over the next few days and call it quits.

Many thanks to the @Challenges_Committee for the whole competition; it has definitely helped with my confidence issue and got me out flying again, which is a win for me.



Thanks for posting that Jez :slight_smile: Good to know that you have got back out flying. Watch out for the far simpler fortnightly RTF competitions from October 3rd!

Ditto. Just returned from a 140 mile round trip. I did my research over the past 2 weeks, and made sure the item was there before setting off early today. Alas, nope, all because of duff info (from more than one source). To rub salt in the wound, I saw an 8 axle mobile crane of the way back, and it wasn’t yellow.


Question is - when is that crane leaving?

:joy: :rofl:

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Closure in place from 8pm southbound and 11pm northbound on Friday 24 September and will reopen the motorway before 6am on Monday 27 September .

but it’s not on a singe track it on lane 1,2&3 :laughing:

Security is regrettably lax on the weekend. We came back from a rather splendid lunch to find that this gentleman had set up close to the entrance to the Chall Com block and was inviting passers-by to " 'Ave a flutter, gorn it’s just a bitta fun." He was escorted from the premises …


But are the odds right? Click the Pic ™ to check the latest leaderboard!
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To choose a subject for the competition or just to find out more - Click the Pic ™ :slight_smile:

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I might struggle to get any more done. I have been working all weekend due to fuel issues and it could be a busy week.

Will see what happens.

Do want to thank @Challenges_Committee for putting on such a great competition :clap:t2:



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The parkland known as Etching Hill is on the easterly edge of Cannock Chase. which is designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and enjoy many 100’s of 1,000’s visitors annually.

I claim two points please

  • for finding an AONB
  • posting a DroneScene Link