Galaxy A9 Tablet - Compatible with the Potensic Atom?

I have read through the threads with regard to using a tablet but I’m none the wiser. I have contacted Potensic and their support said their Atom is not designed to work with tablets which is patently incorrect as I have seen videos of people using them. The problem being that the USA based author was testing “budget” tablets that cost $1400. Not sure what planet he’s on.

I therefore am still looking for advice on using a tablet. I’m thinking the Galaxy A9 which I can get for <£100 but would like some assurances before spending my hard earned cash.


Just thought id let you know even if it’s not what your looking for, yesterday when you posted the first question I done some research on the net for android tablets for your drone & all I could find is some people are using a tablet called Hugerock which have now come to my attention that have been mentioned on here before but there quite expensive around $500 :grimacing:
Just thought id let you know ….

Thanks but I think I’ll give that a miss. For £100 it’s possibly worth taking a punt with the Galaxy A9. If nothing else I’ll have an up to date Tablet.


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Maybe order one off Amazon as their returns are good, if it works great if it doesn’t just return it :+1:

Edit : you can get one for tomorrow if you need it sooner rather than later,

Good idea. Cheers.

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You’ll also need to buy a cable extension as you need to use the original cable for it to work

Really? Can’t I just use a USB-C to USB-C cable as a whole replacement?

Unfortunately not, the original cable needs to be used in conjunction with an extension so it is long enough for a tablet

Hello there Al, I use a blackview tab 60 with my Potensic Atom, all seems to be fine… although time will tell!!
I hope this helps in your quest.
I paid £65

I also use this extension cable.

And this tablet holder

All good…so far! :+1: :+1: :+1:


Thanks for the info. I already have a holder that I have “doctored” to work. I’m expecting a Galaxy A9 tomorrow. I also have a USB-C to USB-C cable already so will try that first. I’m not saying you guys are wrong about having to use this with the extension, I’m simply struggling to understand why this shoud be the case.

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Hi. I have the Potensic Atom and the A9 Tablet with a tablet mount from Amazon and it works perfectly well. Maybe consider a neck lanyard to take some of the weight and to avoid damage if it slips out of your hands. Brian

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Good idea, one came with the bracket. What about the cable? Does yours only work with the original and an extension or are you using a single cable?

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I used the original with an extension cable, again from Amazon. Can’t remember the exact make but it’s a USB C 3.1 and it has a symbol on each end that looks like a small speedometer with the number 20 showing.
Hope that’s some help.