General 3D printing questions and answers, tips and tricks

Did think about that but I do like to tinker and build things :wink:

:thinking: I’d not noticed.


Finished the mod and I can now fully control the printer from anywhere with my phone

This is the relay being tested before connecting the 240v supply

It now installed in its own 3d printed box behind the printer

One note is the Raspberry Pi will not control a 5v relay as the GPIO pins are not 5v tolerant so make sure the relay is 3.3v and with Octocoupler. As an extra caution, I installed a 330 Ohm resistor in the trigger line

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As far as the room next door even :smiley:

Anywhere in the world :earth_americas: as long as I have a data connection :wink:

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That I did very much gather, I was pulling your leg! But, would you have to set things up or rather more make sure it has enough of the filament / nylon / plastic before you went anywhere, sorry Wayne I don’t know what it’s called.

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Yeah the physical bits would need to be set up beforehand

But its not really about printing remotely but more about monitoring the printer

I have 2 cameras set up and now I have the ability to turn off the power if something goes wrong

A thermal runaway would be catastrophic :scream:

So it’s more about saving my house and family :wink:

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ah ok that’s good I’m with it… :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes 3D priners shouldn’t really be left unattended because at the end of the day you’re melting plastic with a device that has been manufactured in a small sweaty sweat shop in china by people with no electrical training whats so ever infact a lot of the wiring is just held in with hotglue :rofl:

I wouldn’t trust leaving mine thats for sure not without my own safety measures in place.


A bit of guidance please guys…

This part should have a flat base, but after a few hours into the print job (14 hours+) it starts to lift from the bed. The quality of my TPU prints is quite good so I was thinking my setttings were good.
Any ideas please? is it bed temperature? is it bed adhesion? should I use a raft?

I had that for a while, tried bed temps, extruder temps, bed was aligned, tried altering the Z offset +/- reduced it but not completely on big prints. I cured it with a brim. I tried rafts but sometimes removing the part from the raft was a pain. I now use a brim and this is working so far. I increase the brim line count for large dense base prints.

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Up the bed temperature to 60

yeah as suggested bed temp 60 and use a large brim. for extra info on this search the net for 3d print warping its a very common issue.

what material are you printing with? try the same print with a different roll of filament as well to rule out damp filament :+1:t2:


I’ve started a new print, bed at 60deg, added a Brim
I’ll let you know how it turns out tomorrow morning :+1:

The filament is 3DJAKE TPU A95, It’s fairly new and kept in a heated storage case, so I don’t think it’s moisture, other stuff printed with it have been OK
I don’t think my new bed sheet helps, in some respects it’s brilliant but it is a bit smooth/glossy.


Looking better now but it does look if brim tried to lift in right back corner
It’ll be finished soon so I’ll share finished product

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I did notice in the first picture that it looks like the bed is not perfectly level or UBL is not working correctly

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Hi Wayne

I did a BL level a couple of weeks and it improved problems I had then, I did a large print occuping most of the bed and the skirt was nicely put down
But I agree with you, that bit looks poor :slightly_frowning_face:
I’ll make a note of the levels then run BL again and see if anything changes
Steve :slightly_smiling_face:

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Turned out good :+1:
The brim came off easy as well
Thanks guys :clap::grinning:


Walksnail for the win! :star_struck:

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I tried to print the recorder and it did pretty well until they fell over and it all went wrong…