Hi All, Relative Newbie with a question about Gimbal Calibration.
I have a DJI Mini 4k and a fellow member of GADC observed that my gimbal looked askew in a posted video. Therefore I followed the DJI Fly gimbal calibration (auto) process which completed OK, but when flying I’m not 100% confident that the horizon is level, although this is just a personal view with no clear evidence (mark 1 eyeballs do have vari-focal specs on)
So my question is should the calibration be done over a distance, e.g. when I run the cal in my study with the drone on my desk the max distance the camera can see is the 8ft to the opposite wall/window. Would I be better outside such as on the sea wall facing the horizon approx. 12mi away?
btw I don’t receive any error messages.
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated
Many Thanks
Good way to do it
Obviously on a level surface - if you have a kitchen that is tiled & the tiles are level, stick the grid lines on in camera settings & use the grid for reference against tiles ? Makes sense ?
Then you’ll see if the gimbal is off, if I can remember right ( but not sure ) if the mini 4 k has manual focus, also stick that on turn on peaking level to high ( for manual focus in settings ) where it outlines everything in red it’s focused on that has actually been the best go to for myself when checking,
Edit : also would be good if you had a couple of pictures you could post with the horizon then could take a look as well ….
Thanks @Kirky I’ll try the tile check to see if I can confirm any offset. And maybe the sea wall down the road. Not sure if this photo shows the issue, assuming it actually exists
It does look off but maybe more so because of the angle of the shot maybe,
My gimbal is smack bang on but some of the pics I took yesterday I had to adjust them in post as the angle I shot them at made the horizon look a little off ( maybe more of an optical illusion ) but yes do a test & keep us posted
Try a manual Cal
Thanks @SparkyFPV
I’ll give it a go