Gonna get me work with an estate agent!

Tiny whoop (emax tiny hawk 2) works a treat. Abs loving it… But v expensive as i now need £500k for a bigger house with more natural circuits…


Your throttle control is spot on mate :+1:


Thanks! But what about the sensitive renovation and indoor outdoor flow…?

But what really helps is that with the guards you can bump into stuff and not flip out…v useful…


Complete crap

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You must have missed the reproduction shaker paneling

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You missed a massive part! I’m sure I saw a loft hatch in there to explore!! may give you another circuit and save you £500k!!

Love how your dog is just not bothered.
Many a dog would have gone bonkers chasing it.

Full disclosure, hadn’t realised I was in angle mode!

Switched that off and seriously less able to fly though chairs as a consequence…buuuuttttt… It’s actually possible to rip it up outside! And this is just in 1s mode!


Awww can’t wait to get my THII outside. Still being a wimp,. and tbh need a spotter. 1s looks OK to get used to it too, and got loads of 1S batteries, only 2 2S!

I’ve not noticed a huge difference between 1s&2s tbh… And I have my dog as a spotter… That count?