Good drone news


Mac & Cheese by drone.

“Argyll and Bute said getting school meals to some rural and island sites can mean using vans, taxis and ferries, which can be affected by weather conditions.”

As opposed to drones, which are famously immune from such concerns. :grimacing:

In fairness you only need a relatively brief window to fly a drone over as the crow flies and back. You need a longer window of sustained good weather for land or sea transit. It’s more about the patterns of good weather being short and unsuitable for land or sea.


Drones are being used to search for survivors of the collapsed avalanche in the Italian Alps.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Drone to Home charity

How cool is this … though FAR better were it not necessary!

Saw this on Facebook earlier. Good drone news story in the Daily Mail of all places. And they have a picture of a Mini 3 Pro rather than the stock Matrice M50,000XL image they usually run…