Greetings from Watton

Hi all, I am a complete newbie and have never flown a drone. What am I doing here? Well, I saw a drone being flown near the Humber Bridge last year and decided I wanted to give it a try. I currently have a Visuo XS816 4k drone and an E68 5g drone on order from China. I realise these are basic units, but hoping to gain experience before moving onto something more serious. Planning to take the exam soon.


Welcome buddy, a wealth of experience and knowledge in this club

Hi @Fraserm and welcome to Grey Arrows!

/looks at @milkmanchris :grimacing:

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There were a few of us there in my defence your honour ;o)


Hi Fraser and welcome to GADC.

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Hi Fraser from a fellow Norfolk boy just up the road in Norwich, and welcome to the best drone forum in the country.
Anytime you need advice , give us a shout !.
When this shit has all calmed down we’ll get together for a meet up, and a few lessons.
We have several members on here from around Norfolk (although some are very dormant at the moment) , so you are not totally out on a limb !.


Hi and Welcome to the site enjoy

@milkmanchris say nothing without your solicitor present :rofl:

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Hello and welcome.

Welcome. I’m one of the dormant Norfolk ones. I’ve just ordered the Mavic Air 2 today, so looking for an excuse to use it as soon as this is all done.

On a side note, @chrisjohnbaker i got clobbered by police last week for going for a paddle in Earlham park river. I was glad as I very nearly brought my Mavic air with me for a quick fly too :grimacing::grimacing:


Hi Tim, Nice to hear from you !, thought you might jump for the Air 2, I am on the fence with it at the moment (not literally) but, knowing me I will probably go for one, but?, I am still wondering about the Evo 2 Pr 6k, but, as I have said in previous posts, not at all impressed with the video colouration on the camera on it.
Fuzz around here are being a bit funny about paddles in the Park at the moment, besides they have fuck all else to do !.
I just fly from the garden to the park :+1: :man_facepalming:, I wish !.
very tempting all said and done though !.

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Hi Chris,
Thanks for your message. That sounds great, it would be really helpful to meet up and have some lessons. I took the online test last night and passed, so now have both my Flyer and Operator number. Let’s hope we can all get back to some level of normality before too long.

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Thanks for the welcome.
Hope you get to enjoy the Mavic Air 2 before too long.


Many thanks!

Thank you!

@Fraserm You are doing the right thing, buying a cheaper drone and learning how to fly it before moving on to the “big boys toys”.
There are to many people (still) out there who splash out 100s of pounds on a really expensive drone then fly it straight into a tree/wall, and then say “I wish I had bought cheap first”.
Try not to be in a hurry to see how far it will go, or how fast is goes.
Just do small slow movements in a space that is fairly big, with no or few obstacle’s, try very small stick inputs at first until you are use to the way it flies.
Then practice easy moves (with the front of the drone facing away from you), fly left, fly right, forward ,back, etc.
THEN, turn it to face you and practice the same (remember the controls are reversed!)
You need to practice that until it becomes second nature.
It will hold you in good stead for your drone flying experience.

Thanks for the tips @chrisjohnbaker
I will give those manoeuvres a try once the drones arrive in the post and I have worked out somewhere not too far away to fly. Of course, I am going to need to wait for the lockdown to be lifted before I can make some progress. Appreciate your help!

hi and welcome
I often go round there was not me thou I love round there as I only live in hull there so much to do round there


@milkmanchris belting footage that


Great footage, thanks for sharing.

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