Grimsby Ice Factory - Added to Everything Else in Yorkshire and the Humber

I have just added this to the map of places to fly your drone at Drone Scene:

Land owner permission requirements unknown.

Former grimsby Ice Factory

The originator declared that this location was not inside a Flight Restriction Zone at the time of being flown on 20/08/2021. It remains the responsibility of any pilot to check for any changes before flying at the same location.


Would love to see that as a panorama to see other parts of the docks.

Have done a Pano will try to upload today

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Grimsby docks Pano

uploaded pano

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Brilliant! Thanks - pity to see so much of the building falling to ruin. So much history there.

I want to fly here @john768, but there are no parking or take off and landing markers. Would you be able to add some to the map please?