We stayed for 2.5 hours in total got through about 10 packs. The rain stopped and didn’t come back. There were some walkers, but not too many.
I’ve got a ton of footage to edit together now.
We did manage a couple of crashes. The worst damage was to the Caddx Peanut mount. But only 3 zip ties and the shroud from the 3 pin connector powering it. That was whilst landing after a great flight.
I lost VTX and control on the hill above the place we were flying from… Brendan found the 5" quad embedded headfirst in some mud.
About here: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/53%C2%B005'39.5%22N+1%C2%B038'23.4%22W/@53.0942983,-1.6404218,174m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x37b0fad226e5fc79!8m2!3d53.0943036!4d-1.6398411