Has Airdata the free version taken away photo( thumbnails ) media or is it just me!

Only just stumbled on this whilst the mention of Airdata on the other side of the forum, thought this strange the other day but thought no more of it but just checked again before I posted, also checked Google / internet to see if Airdata ( free version ) using iOS on i phone have removed the photo media ? Anyone else noticed this :thinking:

Back in the summer July 2024 everything ok as below,

Then more recent ones have no photo data,

There’s been a few updates on the app over the last few months so I’m not sure if they’ve taken it away & is it only on the paid version now maybe ?
Any thoughts appreciated as always …

Dunno, but I notice you flew at Tintern Abbey. Went there last year, parked in the car park (£5) and got the receipt to get a fiver off our order in the pub there.( as advertised on the receipt) Ordered a pint of lager, half a lager and a coke. The price ? £17. I handed over the parking receipt and a twenty pound note. Got £3 change. I asked the barman about the fiver off, “ Yes that’s £17 with the fiver off “ :astonished::astonished::astonished::astonished::astonished::astonished::astonished::astonished:
( So apparently ÂŁ22 for one and a half pints and a coke) :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Yes I remember that post :+1:

Regarding above if I get no feedback I could always email them & ask.

I fired my drone up today after a “small update”yesterday ( fixes known issues, but never says what) First notice was something in Chinese , but asking in English if you accept or reject the conditions of use. I paused for a minute, then accepted them ( thought it might not even take off if I didn’t accept these conditions) Drone flew fine however, but leaves me wondering why DJI are asking to accept something written in Chinese ( no translation available to say what these are) Hmmmm could be they’re spying on us :wink::wink:

Hmmm have they ever stopped :face_with_monocle:

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Airdata photo uploads are still free

It will be a DJI thing

Check in the fly app if the photos are in the flight logs

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I did check there Wayne they are no longer there mate.

Then its DJI

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Thanks mate, yes all of my ones from ages ago have also gone the whole list would that be correct to ?

Get on to DJI to find out why, let us know when you have completed the task :grinning:

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Ok :smile::+1:

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@SparkyFPV Wayne I’ve emailed Airdata prior, maybe they’ll say it’s DJI as you have, if they want me to start updating stuff ( DJI ) they can forget it :man_running:t2::dash:

Don’t pubs have to display the prices of drinks or was that in the 80s? :joy:

I found this problem as well last year, so contacted Airdata who told me it was a DJI change. See this link:


Thank you, yes as mentioned by Wayne sparky this is down to DJI, ah well is what it is I guess :+1:

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Just incase anyone wants to know apparently there’s a work around to add your photos( thumbnails) back to your account if you want to so thought id share it,

Hi xxxxxx

Thank you for reaching out to AirData with this question

Although the preview images are no longer embedded, you still have the option to upload the full-resolution images stored on your SD card to your AirData account. To do this, select the specific flight, go to the “MEDIA” → “Media Upload” tab, and upload the file containing the photos. AirData will then attempt to match each photo with its corresponding location on the Media Map, streamlining the process.