Has everyone posted an image or video? (Poll inside)

It was changed , have a look at the fake or not video on YouTube, good watching (there are 2)

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Agreed, but at the time of the flight, the NFZ was as below

To be frank Iā€™m more concerned with the number of UK residents dying on our motorways since they introduced so-called ā€˜Smart Motorwaysā€™ A ā€˜plane loadā€™ of people are dying each year since than before their introduction

Iā€™m not PFCO, Im not in the business of selling photos or video. I fly for pure interest and enjoyment.
I agree, itā€™s a great video, a bit ā€˜tut tutā€™ but up to the individual to ensure safety and up to the authorities of that country to prosecute if applicable. I have to agree about the number of people killed on the roads, itā€™s about 9 per day, yet thereā€™s no outcry. Thereā€™s plenty of you tube accident footage yet itā€™s seen as entertainment for our titillation, but as soon as a drone is perceived to be breaking some part of the code thereā€™s a hand wringing paroxysm from all quarters.

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