Hawkesbury, Coventry 06/06/21

Good luck guys :four_leaf_clover: Hope it all goes ahead :+1:t2:

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We’ll be around here :+1:

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Just pulled up to hawksbury and it’s all fenced off:


Just checking another access point

Park at turns.league.spices. near the railway tunnel

@ChrisH11 you coming down? We’re here just in a different spot let us know and we’ll direct you to where we are. :+1:t2:

Yep all fenced off i arrived at 1_05 pm

Hello I’m here not sure where to put me car, its tipping it down lol

@ChrisH11 we’re at Stevenson road mate off bayton road. We’re taking shelter under a bridge lol

Could have told me when I rang you

How did you guys get on? Did it go ahead or was it rained off?

I left this phone at home. Your fault cos you said you couldn’t Come :rofl:

We got a few in. Then it lashed it down so we legged it

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It’s been really nice down here in Kent but not managed to get out this weekend :confused:

Haha you lot look absolutely soaked :rofl:

Did you manage to get the quads down and safe before the sky’s opened up?

Well how come you were directing some one to baton rd. Tell you what leave it

Cos he said he was coming. You said you weren’t. But the directions where there for all to see

That was me directing to bayton road @crapflyer not Karl. It wasn’t our fault that the usual flying spot was fenced off. I did post this update here with a photo before you came down mate.