Hello From East London

Sorry I missed your response. I just logged in today and seen the reply. I hope you had it sorted.


Hi. Do you know which area of Wanstead Flats?


Hello and welcome :wave:
From Blackpool :grinning:

Hi Jeydee
I flew mine in the largest open area, keeping well away from the football area and any other area where people gather.

Flew in Wanstead Park over the last two weeks without a problem. UNFORTUNATELY today a park ranger came to me to say that no drone flying is allowed in Epping Forest, which incorporates Wanstead Park. Booooo!!!. Iā€™m left with Richmond and Mitcham now.
Was flying with a PH 3 Pro but he said that even the Mavic Mini I had with me would be prohibited!

Anyone flying in this park please keep an eye out for the ā€˜authoritiesā€™

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They probably only jealous

Thatā€™s good to know