Morning all, I’m a newbie drone enthusiast and live in Marchwood. I’ve got quite a bit of time on my hands and am looking for places to fly. Can anyone help me?
Sorry Zimbo,
Out at Suffolk, so can’t help.
Have you put yourself on the members map.
You might find someone close by!
Welcome to the forum.
Hi Zimbo,
Welcome to the forum, If you haven’t already, take a look at the Map of Members and you should see a few other members near you.
As for places to fly, check out the Drone Scene website:
Thanks Richard,
I have followed your links and will be taking a look at a few places around me.
Do a search for Hythe Pier in the status bar at the top of the screen. Several members seem to fly there and check out the passing ships
Great to see our numbers swelling. Thanks for joining us and welcome to your new ‘home’ (!)
Sorry I can’t help with local venues, but you can be assured someone will soon come up with useful information for you.
@OzoneVibe is your man.
Hi Zimbo,welcome to the family.
Hello and welcome.
Thanks everyone - I’ve already had some great tips and now I have another question. If I want to get my pfCo, how many hours would be the minimum one could have before attempting this? I have plenty of time on my hands and could probably fly for at least 1.5hrs / day for the next month.
Hythe pier? I am afraid I may ditch my new virgin drone into the pond. I need someone to give me a few lessons. I nearly said crash course
I don’t have my PfCO and don’t, at this stage, intend going for it either.
In terms of when are you up to scratch flying wise then that is purely down to the individual but for me, the much bigger question would be… why do I want to get it? I’m not asking you to tell me, but you really ought to have a clear idea of the why and then the what you want to do once you have it.
Oh, welcome and I’m just a wee bit jealous of all that time you have
Hi Nic / @Zimbo , and welcome to GADC.
Somehow I missed this post before now.
I’m also close to Southampton … and seriously close to Southampton Airport.
Quite a few of our members also own a the HS100 … so you are amongst good company.
If you haven’t already, take a look at the Map of Members and you’ll see there are a few other members in your neck of the woods, some of whom I’m sure will come and say Hi.
(Don’t forget to add yourself to that map : How to add yourself to the Members Map )
The forum’s search functions are a very efficient way to find previous threads and posts that might already have covered topics in which you are interested in learning more or answer that niggling question but, when this doesn’t turn up what you’re after, there’s a wealth of knowledge amongst the members, so ask away over on #questions-and-answers.
Please also take a moment to look at the Membership Levels section on our FAQ .
Welcome aboard!
Thanks for the message Stuart / @stubbyd! I’m at that point in my life where I really want a change. I’m considering flying commercially in the future and since this industry is on the brink of real massive change in that direction, I want to fast track there. Drone tech is evolving so fast and I want in. That’s the reason for wanting the pfCo . To complete one of the courses and sit the test, how many hours of flying would one need in this case?
Hi Dave /@OzoneVibe,
Thanks for the welcome. I have also downloaded the app NATS Drone Assist which seems quite useful. There are places around me that are Green but I guess it doesn’t mean I can fly there depending on who owns the land. Still a bit of a mystery but I’m going to take a drive and find somewhere today.
Remember, they may own the land, but not the Airspace above it, Official !.
Just make sure to take off from a Public Place, follow the Drone Code rules and you should be fine.
Even better if you know the land owner and ask his permission if you can fly over his land.