Hello, small introduction from me in Irvine, Ayrshire.
I’ve been thinking about getting a drone for a while after a neighbour bought one a while back.
I’m really chuffed with the picture quality and ease of use of the DJI 4k mini.
I’ve flew it a few times now, over my estate and at Ardeer beach and Irvine Beach Park.
My estate is on the edge of town and next door to a building site which is great to fly about during the weekend when no one is working.
I’m still very aware that people might be watching me as it can be quite noisy taking off. I’m not sure how conspicuous it is while flying about at 50/60m high.
I get a feeling that once I’ve been flying for about 2 minutes, I want to bring it back and land (still a bit nervous).
Anyway, happy to be part of the community and if anyone wants to offer any tips and advice, that would be great
Good evening @jimgwebb Jim welcome along
Hi @jimgwebb and welcome to Grey Arrows
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Welcome once again!
Hello Jim. Our niece lives in Irvine, it’s a lovely part of the world, and we love the beach there, and also the nautical/sailing museum.
You’ve said a few things that are on my mind - I worry about disturbing other people or getting drone hate if that is the word. I’ve only ever had one low battery warning too, I seem to do what I wanted to do and get landed again.
Quick thoughts - someone near me flies a drone, and it’s flying fast, changing altitude and direction fast, just whizzing around, and that’s when I can hear the buzz of the blades. My DJI has a cine mode button on the controller that keeps everything nice and slow, so once she’s up, I very seldom hear her till she’s on her way back down. Keep it smooth and slow, and no one will hear you.
If you have any stills or video to post up, we’d love to see them!
EDIT - most drones I encounter get identified by their noise, not by visual contact.
Hi from Sunny Blackpool.
I get you, feel the same, it gets better as you grow w confidence. Originally I would only fly in deserted areas (didn’t want to look like I didn’t know what I was doing), now flying on Blackpool prom & town centre. (And still don’t know what I’m doing).
Just get out there and fly it.
Hi, thanks for that advice.
To be honest I’ve only tried normal and sport modes, so the cine mode will now definitely be getting tried out.
I’m off tomorrow so might get some flying in
These pics are all from sunny Irvine.
Yes, the Irvine maritime museum is great, and shows offf how big Irvine once was as one of the main shipping ports in Scotland at one time.
I’ll get more confidence hopefully as I fly but it’s great to hear from other like minded people.
I got some footage today from Eglinton Country Park, still not sure how to upload the videos but here are some screenshots. My flying is still a bit stop/start anyway
The castle was derelict and bombed for target practice during WW2.
Hi Jim @jimgwebb and welcome to GADC
Hi Jim from the East Coast
Welcome to the club! @jimgwebb
I’m originally from Barrhead, a few miles north east of Irvine, years and years ago I spent many a happy Saturday at the magnum centre.
Now living south of the border just north of Lancaster for 40+ years!!
How time flies!!
Hello mate, I’ve got drone footage of where the Magnum used to be, it’s sadly all gone now. I’ve put a screenshot below. Believe it or not the rectangle of grass on the right of the pic is where the Magnum used to lie. The car park was where the new houses have been built.
How times change!
What a great picture by the way