Hi from Nuneaton

Hi there, I’ve recently started flying a Mavic Mini and fell in love with piloting and taking photos.

Now I’m looking for any excuse to grab my drone and develop my skills. So any and all ideas are welcome.

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Hi Joseph - welcome to GADC :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Check out the challenges category including the RTF challenges (reason to fly) always good for some inspiration:

Also have a look at Drone Scene:

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Yo, plenty of local guys to you, I’m in Bedworth and fly both Camera drones and FPV. You’re more than welcome to join us on our many meet ups around the country. Keep your eye on the meet up category :+1:t2:


@notveryprettyboy , @Steviegeek new blood :+1:t2: :grin:

Yep, but we need a new flying place now that Hawkesbury has gone. (can’t have lots of guests at the club :frowning_face: )
Any ideas ???
Are open fields to boring for you guys ???
We could use ‘the tree…the bridge’ a few times I suppose.

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Hey, just to jump in, im Coventry based, so would love to organise something, or just pick your brains on local spots :grinning: