yes point 2 is moot - i just added it to point out even if i did allow mid air disarms i would still have bvasic flight controls.
i have the emergency motor stop function bound to my top right tx switch the difference between emergency motor stop and disarm is that if i accidentally kill the motor by flicking the wrong switch - its just a flick of a switch to re enable it whereas i believe you cannot re arm ardupilot at all mid flight.
I have twice had to rely on RTH and know that feeling well. First time was with DJI FPV flew it behind a transmitting tower (idiot I know). It happily flew back a few minutes later…
Second time was with my wing. The video stopped working, just cut out mid flight (dodgy MIPI turned out). Again RTH worked but again standing there for a few minutes wondering if would see it again. It flew back and I tried to manually LOS land it from loitering in manual mode… Ooops… Should have used angle. It was a mess but nothing a bit of UHU couldn’t fix.
I only used iNav as came from quads and betaflight. Ardu does a lot more, but heard it’s harder and tbh nothing I’ve found iNav can’t do yet (even basic missions I’ve tried). Though full on missions not my thing I don’t think