How can I select a zone, when it’s below others?

I’m not sure if I’m using the right terminology here!

You can see in the screen shot a small circle in the middle of the screen (my current location is inside it).

Tapping on the small circle causes the details of the much bigger circle to be displayed.
All of the ‘circles’ are of the same type, so I can’t turn off the other layers, as it turns them all off!

Can you explain how to access a zone that is overlapped by another?


This Layer

Yes, that one :wink:

Oh :grinning:

Don’t know how to get that on dronescene, but if it helps you it’s a UAS OPR, NOTAM ID EGGN/C7357/23
Active from Jan 1st 06:00 an until Jan 31st 8:00pm from the surface to 400ft AGL

This does happen occasionally, I don’t know how to get round it. I wonder if it is possible for the people who work computer magic to make the smallest zones display above bigger ones?

As it happens, it’s ‘my’ NOTAM, so it’s more of an academic question, but I wasn’t sure what date it ended, so thanks for that :slight_smile:

If you’re using DS for your reports (why wouldn’t you) click flight reports it gives you all the details

Why did you create a Notam?

Because it’s inside the Coventry Airport FRZ!
This covers all of my ‘practice’ areas.

(This was this mornings trip to try out my brand new Mini 4 Pro)

It’s easy to miss them big circles when you’re focusing on the little ones!

We’re aware of the issue Peter @BudgieUK and it’s been on the backlog for quite some time (around three years).

Pulling it further up the list now, we’ll try to resolve it in the next version :blush:


We’ve got an excellent solution to this issue and can confirm it’ll be included in the next version update of Drone Scene, along with some other shiny things :smiley:


Awesome …. I look forward to trying it out when you release it :slight_smile:


Did selecting overlapping zones get fixed? I did a search, and looked through a few DS update notes and the DS About section, but can’t find the solution. Mainly on PC browser for me using a mouse, but would also be useful on phones and tablets.

Yes, it was rolled out just 13 days after that post - back in Feb 2024.

Details here: Multi-depth map layer clicks have arrived!

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Great, thanks, I looked at the updates after Feb 24 - too quick! I knew I’d seen it somewhere. I live inside Chalgrove FRZ which has a load of layers to turn on an off, but at least I know how to do it now thanks. Might be worth adding a note about this to the DS About notes.