Drone Scene Updates - February 2024

A new version of Drone Scene has been released :tada:

(Missed the December update? Take a look here!)

What’s new in the February 2024 update? :thinking:

New Feature :partying_face:

• Top 10 Charts

Want to know where the most popular locations to fly are? :thinking:

How about the most desired locations to fly, where the most amount of members are hoping to fly in the future? :thinking: (you could even organise a meet-up there!)

Maybe you want to know who the top roaming flyers are, the members that have flown at more different locations than anyone else? :thinking:

Or a shout out to the top location contributors, the members that have added the most locations to the map? :thinking:

We’ve got you covered!

Check out the brand new Top 10 of Drone Scene at: https://dronescene.co.uk/top10 :partying_face:

Are you famous? Have you made the charts? Congratulations if you have :clap:t2: :tada:

Be sure to let us know what other Top 10 charts you’d like adding in the future!

New Feature :partying_face:

• Places I Want To Fly

– Requested by: @milkmanchris

We’ve added a shiny new button to each location called, “Do you want to fly here?”

This is the Ronseal of buttons because it does exactly what it says on the tin. Clicking this button will add the location to your own personal list of places you want to fly :flight_departure:

To compliment this new button you can now view all the places you want to fly by using a new filter option on the home page:

The map will then change and it will show you all the locations you want to fly in the future!

New Feature :partying_face:

• Multi-depth map layer clicks have arrived!

A long outstanding issue has been the inability to find out what’s in some layers of data if they’re buried below another item of the same layer-type.

A recent example of this issue was Strangeways prison.

Because Strangeways prison has an Airspace Restriction it’s naturally in the Airspace layer of Drone Scene. The problem here is that another Airspace Restriction already exists ins the area, that of the restricted area EGR319 for Manchester:

This meant that when you clicked in the middle you’d only get the information for the uppermost shape and you’d not be able to find out what the bottom shape was :pensive:

You’ll be pleased to hear this has all changed :partying_face:

When you click on an object on the map it now drills down through the point that you clicked on the map and it displays the results in a single window.

Here’s an example of clicking on the middle of Strangeways, you’ll see it now lists both the prison and the EGR, in a single modal window:

FYI, to keep things clean it only drills down in to the data for the layer type you clicked on.

This means if you have the DJI layer on and the Airspace layer on, and you click on a DJI map object, it’ll only drill down through the DJI layer objects - simply because you can just turn on and off the other layers in question that you’re interested in.

The bottom line, you can now get the information you want, no matter how deep it’s buried :slight_smile:

UI / UX Change :desktop_computer:

• Huge new info-windows!

Historically, when you click on something on the Drone Scene map it has always displayed information in a little popup info balloon:

Due to the sheer amount of content available in some of these layers and locations, the text didn’t always fit in the little info balloon.

The old info balloons also didn’t always scale down too well on mobile devices and sometimes information would disappear off the edge of the screen if you were using a small screen :pensive:

We’ve changed all that now :partying_face:

When you click on a location or a layer, we now open a great big info panel that contains all of the information. This great big panel also scales down really well to fill the screen of your mobile device, without losing any of the information off the side of the screen.

Here’s how the location details appear now when you click on a marker pin:

Here’s how an FRZ is now displayed:

And some Ground Hazards (yes, multiples, because we now can):

For additional clarity, each of the new info panels are now colour coded to the layer you clicked on and they also display the number of layers of data contained within your click, eg: Ground Hazards (x2)

UI / UX Change :desktop_computer:

• Location marker pin icons have changed

Gone are the old green location marker pin icons:

They’ve been replaced with familiar looking map pin icons:

UI / UX Change :desktop_computer:

• Changes to your /membership page

The /membership page has been updated and it now displays the renewal status of your membership subscription.

This allows you to easily see if your membership is set to auto-renew or not. If it is set to auto-renew, it will give you the date of the renewal. If it’s set to expire, you’ll also also see confirmation of the expiry date.

We’ve also simplified the way you manage your subscription and renewals.

Previously, you would have needed to log in to our payment partners website manually (Stripe) and manage your account. We now automatically log you in with one click where possible.

UI / UX Change :desktop_computer:

• Black bars removed from YouTube thumbnails

Previous versions of Drone Scene used to display back letter-box bars on the thumbnails of YouTube videos as depending on your video size and format, they didn’t always fit in too well to Drone Scene:

We now dynamically handle all the varying shapes of YouTube thumbnails on the fly, meaning no more black bars:

UI / UX Change :desktop_computer:

• Portrait / Vertical image support added

Previous versions of Drone Scene used to squish portrait images in to a landscape-shaped box:

Drone Scene now supports portrait images beautifully, with no squishing :see_no_evil:

Bug Fix :beetle:

• No bugs to fix :man_dancing:t2:

Other Random Stuff :palm_tree:

• An apology, on behalf of DJI

Just a personal note to say “Sorry!” for the state of the DJI GEO Zones layer data :pensive:

The quality of the data we get from DJI is very poor. We represent this as best as possible in Drone Scene but it can sometimes look quite bad:

Worse still when you find out they have a separate Enhanced Warning Zone for each runway at the same airport :exploding_head: :man_facepalming:t2:

Sorry, there is nothing we can do to clean it up, it’s all “live” data directly from DJI and it changes from time to time.

We hope you find this level of release notes / details useful :blush:

But don’t forget! :scream:

In order to use all the features of Drone Scene, you need to be a Member of Grey Arrows Drone Club - and Membership is available from as little as £0.04 per day :blush:

As ever, please continue to enjoy Drone Scene and please keep those feature requests coming!


Absolutely marvelous job, :sparkles: :ok_hand:
The only thing missing, and this is just to make me feel at home, is the “updated certain bug fixes” and “updated certain safety features” pish that keeps me awake at night, not!!!
Grand job fellas!


Bravo, some brilliant features in there :slight_smile:

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We could just “do a DJI” with the release notes:

  • Fixed some known issues



Bet you died a little inside while coding that feature :rofl:

Fantastic new additions @PingSpike thanks for bringing us the best swiss army knife of drone flight planning tools! :ok_hand:t2:

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I’m still feeling quite traumatised by it all :face_with_head_bandage:


I feel your pain :face_with_head_bandage:

Great set of updates otherwise, as usual. Thank you!

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Hmm, the Top 10 page is great, but doesnt seem to have link anywhere on the site, could it be added to the Tab on the top, or on another page?

Depending on your logged in / logged out status, and the device screen size, it’s linked from the top nav bar or the little drop down menu.

Just took a look at the new layout that’s cool :star_struck:
Must be serious head frying putting that together !

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Awesome job as always. Your attention to detail, and relentless drive to improve the users experience is exemplary.

Great job :clap:


@AlbionDrones try here or here:

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Not for me …

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See my second image for Suzanne? :thinking:


Hmm… Nope

Ok, on that tab…

Ok, you’ve lost me now, what’s the question? :thinking:

What happened to “everything in its place and a place for everything”

I have no idea what’s going on :rofl:

Lol, the first image shows the TOP10 tab is not on the top menu, however it is on the drop down from the profile button…

Yes, that’s what I just said? :thinking: :slight_smile: