How do you share your drone videos?

Ok guys so have been out today and I’ve taken some really good 4k short videos (Aprox 3.5 mins each and about 1.5GB)

They look amazing and some family have asked me if they can see them. As standard for me I removed the memory card out the drone and inserted it into a card reader connect to my iPhone XS. Download the footage to me phone and then I upload it to my YouTube Chanel.

After uploading it I can then truely fully appreciate the footage I’ve shot on my 65” 4k

Question: when I choose share video on YouTube it give me the link to copy n paste etc but my problem is even today most smartphone only play in 1080 at best. Even playback via you tube on me iPhone XS is ok but not wow as it’s not 4k

Been trying to think of ways to show off the 4k when sharing, I mean I’m guessing I could download them onto A memory stick and then plug into families tv (4k) as I’m visiting them.

Any other ideas peeps

It’ll only play at a resolution which the device can handle. You could send them the link and ask them to cast it to their TV using the YouTube app, might play in 4K.

From what I’ve read on this forum, YouTube doesn’t always upload in full 4K so members have recommended using Vimeo.

Best would be as you mentioned, play straight from a memory card.

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As @TassyWass has said give them the YT link, if they have a 4k TV chances are it’s a smart TV and has the YT app. Watching it in 4K depends on their internet connection, I can’t watch in 4K on my TV because the streaming constantly buffers but it’s ok at 2.7k.
I can put a 4k on a USB stick and it plays without a problem.
Give them the link then it’s down to them how they watch it.


If you have some clowd space with whoever, you could upload it to a folder there and then give access to that folder to those you wish to share it with.

While its not a cheap option, i’ve a synology NAS which i use and sync the files to that. The TV can then stream them from the box natively. Still use the SD card to iPad/iPhone, then use the cloud sync app.

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