Hi, how do I download stitched panoshots from my Pantom 4 v2, all other videos and stills download easily. Or is the case that I am missing a trick? thanks for any suggestions or observations, Mike.
Usually we would upload to
Process there, then they provide a shareable link as duscourse won’t show a pano as a 360.
If you wanted you can post the stitched image but you would have to reduce the size and the image would be flat.
I’m not fully familiar with the P4 v2 … but I don’t recall ever reading that it did more than take the 360 images that you then have to stitch yourself - I didn’t think it created the stitched 360 image. But I may have just missed that it does.
If you have all the images that it took when taking the 360 image, stitching them into the necessary image to upload to Kuula isn’t too difficult on your computer.
It does stitch the pano photos and then will download the result, it’s finding where the resulting file is downloaded to.
Similar era to my Mavic Pro, and uses Go4, so similar location to mine, I expect.
The one that’s on your phone/tablet will be seriously low resolution - not bothered with that one from mine in a long time - so if you want Hi-Res it’s a case of stitching your own from the full-res images on the SD card.
As to the location of the low-res, stitched, image on your device … are you using an Android or iOS device?
Part of the reason the one on your device will be low res is that the stitching is performed by Go4 on your device, using the low-res images it downloads routinely.
It wasn’t until the Mavic Pro 2 that the stitching was done on the drone using full res images and produced a hi-res 360 image.
I am using the built in monitor supplied with the drone, previous P4 used with an iPad which was better. Have located all the pano images and will try the software that has been suggested, many thanks for the help.
This post gives some great tips on creating a hi-res 360 image for uploading to Kuula.
Many thanks for the details posted, I am currently reading the article and hoping to use Kuula to do the stitching. I have found where the downloads are going to which is on the DJI users website and has been pointed out they are low resolution, bit of a waste of effort on their behalf I would have thought.
It’s old tech … and whilst the drone is flying you wouldn’t really want all the signal bandwidth downloading all the Hi-Res images to your device to do any better. It’s a quick solution (that was introduced during the life of the P4) for social media, etc.
The CPU on the P4/MP just weren’t up to simultaneously flying AND stitching. Things evolve.
I don’t think Kuula can stitch them, you will need something like MS Ice or Autogiga Pano