ID operator labels

I have a question for the FPV guys.

Who actually has an operator and flyer ID for their FPV drones and if so where do you put it on?

I ask as I have never actually seen anyone with an FPV drone that has an ID on it.

Also have any of you taken the DMARES?

Sorry to go on, but there is always talk of the C ratings coming into force and everyone panicking to get drones that are under 250g. Then the “oh but in x amount of time I will not be able to fly my drone within x distance from a person or structure….!”

How about FPV?

Isn’t this the whole point of Bando’s? So you can fly in tight spaces and around and inside buildings.

Will the oncoming regulations only drive the FPV drone flyers underground so to speak?
Who will police the oncoming regulations and how will it effect the FPV world?

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Yes, mine are all labelled - Dymo label on one of the arms :wink:

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No one……:grinning:


Yeah I label print with a dymo style one the operator ID and my phone number. Stick on bottom and have spares for if/when they come off. Tbh most fpv close range so… Policing we just kicked out of area I guess! Lol. Not that been kicked out, only shouted at by farmer at willington I think, but he has no authority

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To be fair I can’t remember. Quite possibly none.

I have both sub 250g and over 250g drones and use common sense when deciding which is appropriate. Safety, annoyance, etc

Tks for the further input.

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You may want to obscure your ID number :wink:

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thanks for advice!

Sub 250g Drone, Printed Ariel 11 (because the letters have to be more than 3mm high) and stuck to the side of a mini SE with sellotape

The best font I have found is Banhscrift SemiCondensed 12 which is exactly the required 3mm high and very compact.

My E58 comes with a non-stick coating, which had to be scraped off with a sharpened screwdriver.

Then the printed label was glued on, and covered with Invisible Sellotape for waterproofing.

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@timxjr1300 & @bannerman100 , it’s very kind of you to share your flying camera thoughts, but there’s already a fairly lengthy thread on the topic: Where best to attach your CAA Operator ID label?

In truth, this question could easily have gone in that thread, but as it was specifically aimed at FPV, I guess it makes sense to have its own thread in the FPV section. It doesn’t really matter, we’re all one big, happy family here, right? :grin:

Back on topic: while my Mini is labelled, I currently don’t have anything on any of my FPV quads. I guess I should rectify that. I suppose it’s because I slowly drifted (struggled? :laughing:) into the FPV thing, and it feels far more “off-road” and unregulated, so I didn’t really give it a thought. A bit like how all my cars have licence plates, but I wouldn’t expect to need one if I bought myself an autograss racer.

As an aside, I have always fancied autograss and, had I the space and the skills for the kit, it looks like I could have done it for a smidge less than I’ve spent on FPV so far! :astonished: :thinking:


The rules are here: Labelling your drone or model aircraft | UK Civil Aviation Authority

It says:

How to label your drone or model aircraft

Your operator ID must be:

  • visible from the outside, or within a compartment that can easily be accessed without using a tool
  • clear and in block capitals taller than 3mm
  • secure and safe from damage
  • on the main body of the aircraft

Dymo / Brother label tape should do (large font setting) or if you don’t have one:


We do know the rules.
If you go to the start of the thread I asked

“Who puts operator labels on FPV drones”

Thank you for posting the “rules”
If you read all that thread. The post above yours covers this.

This was not the question of what are the rules.

Many thanks anyway for your input.

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Ahhhhhh. Oh well. I tried, and failed.

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Have you never noticed mine mate? Have them on the ones that are flyable

@speatuk this is out of my own curiosity, but surely if you are flying inside a building, you dont need the op ID? Not related to your original question I know, and I can’t answer that as I don’t fly fpv, but most of you nutters seem to fly inside buildings of some sort. As I say, just curious and interested

No no no no noooooo….!

I did not mean it that way.

As I said thank you for posting the rules. :blush:

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From outside to inside and around.


I’m not a nutter, a bit deranged but not a nutter


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