On the Isle Of Wight, where I live, the local news reported that there is going to be a trial of drone delivery service, delivering parcels. Can anyone tell me how that is possible when there will be no one with visual line of sight. Please can you explain why they don’t need to be in line of sight, while others, like hobbyists have to comply to the drone code.
Have you got a link you can share ? Also put in the search bar BVLOS as there has been lots of talk about it topics etc for quite some time now.
Someone has bought the DJI mobile data dongle to deliver illicit substances to the prison
This would be commercial drone operation, and I believe different CAA rules apply to them. As for the prison, I am reliably informed by a friendly neighbour who knows and has contact with some quite dodgy people and what they are doing, that attempts to fly contraband into Cardiff Prison. whether from inside the red zone or outside by fpv, fail because the drones fall out of the sky just this side of the wall; if this is true, some sort of jamming must be in operation. Given that the type of people who fly stuff into prisons are unlikely to be obeying CAA rules anyway, this seems a sensible preventitive approach. The local crims apparently call it the ‘iron dome’; the IOW prison probably has something much the same.
It is made legal by them having a BVLOS authorisation from CAA.
More details here, and elsewhere on the forum.
Hi i saw this a few years ago (about 6 or 7) and I thought (for me thats dangerous) a few trials had taken place from Daedelus to St Marys Hosptal. So it may be restarting.
It’s also been reported in my local rag.
I’m not 5 minutes from the proposed mainland launch site to which its location has not been confirmed but I have a fair idea where it will be.
Ah yes I stumbled across that one last night on Google & thought that maybe the one
The Isle of Wight Council may have given their blessings for the 6 month trial, but not a mention of the relevant permissions on this side of the water.
Sounds like the mainland take off place is somewhere in Fawley which is the Hampshire south coast. The Isle of Wight landing place is a car park just off Cowes seafront,the north of the island. Which means its flight path will be across the solent. So it will not be coming in land to the Isle of Wight.
All very exciting and a way to get medicines and medical samples quickly from Island to mainland and vice versa.
The journey can also be done by ferry. Neither form of transport will run in bad weather of course.
I would be worried if I were sending an urgent drug or samplesolely by drone. I hope that they have the sense to duplicate the consignments so that both drone and ferry carry whatever it is that is urgent to cover should the drone somehow fail or be waylaid.
I know, I live just up the road from Fawley.
I suspect the TOAL site will be on the grounds of the former power station.
A year or so back they did some trials with the drone based at Thorney Island, flying from QAH in a to St Mary’s IoW to take urgent specimens and chemotherapy infusions that have a very short shelf life, being tailored to the individual patient.
The natives are not happy about it…
The locals aren’t happy
A further postponement, if it happens at all?