One lost drone, the full glory of the crash and my poor flying is in the video below.
Chainsaw not an option, heights not for me - not that I can see it from the ground, just bloody hear the beeping taunting me. Oh well it was getting too cold anyway.
Miffed - a little but I am not too bad - unless I crash a few times I am not trying hard enough. Just kicking myself for not trying the trick in a more calm manner.
Maybe high enough. But even one ladder for me is too high! Very, very long pole could be an option, but I spend ages trying to find where in the tree the &*^% bleeping is coming form with no joy. One of those things…
I wouldn’t have put a poster on the tree advertising the fact that it’s up there. Tempting for the local ne’r do wells to climb up, fall off and claim off you for their broken limbs
Can you source the ladders & possibly like a window cleaners telescopic pole ?
If you can source the bits I can possibly come & help you try to redeem it.
Wow - thanks for the offer.
I have a look around. May have a long-ish ladder (which I dont use!) but will look to sourcing poles. BUt Reading is quite a journey. Lets see if windy Monday can work its magic.
Good. Knowing these ambulance chasing lawyer types. Someone would claim “ Had the poster not been there, I’d have never been tempted to climb that tree, fall off and break me neck “