Learning to fly

Hi guys while im waiting for my quad copter to arrive ive been playing with the fpv freerider sim
Im after feedback on which flight modes people learnt in ive been sticking to acro. Ive seen videos where a lot of guys say learner pilots should use angle and horizon mode to learn but these seem a lot harder after playing with acro from the start whats your take on it ?

Just like to state ill have acro,horizon,and air mode set up on quad

Hey dude.

Gonna start with a common misconception air mode isn’t really a mode. What air mode does is keep the pod loop active while at 0throttle.

As to what mode to learn… acro all the way. I also heartily recommend liftoff and velocidrone as sims to get to grips with.

What controller are you using?

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If you can learn acro/rate from the start then stick with it.

Going from angle to acro i found harder as your used to holding stick to travel.

Angle/horizon is sometimes recommended for beginners as jumping straight into rate mode usually ends in a broken quad fairly quickly.

If your learning in a simulator then you should have a good start in rate mode.

what are you planning on flying?

Skystar g730l
So lots of hours on the sim before I even try it :grin:

I can tell by using the sim the more hours practice the lower the cost in replacement parts

I started on angle then moved to acro. It proper fucked up my turn coordination. Acro is the final destination, so if your doing that, keep at it.
Trust me, if you keep practicing, it gets easier.
I use Freerider also. Quick to load, and great on my old pc. Good fun.

Do I need liftoff and valosodrone ?
Ive got the flysky fs16s it looks like a friendly robot the only thing im seeing I don’t like I cant see a way you’d test the failsafe before flying as it wont turn off while connected to the receiver

Take the batteries out. I have an fs i6s.

Ah ok that makes sense :ok_hand:

Am I right to assume if im learning to fly acro if it goes tits up and I lose orientation I can flip horizon or angle on and itll self right me instead if plummeting to the ground ?

Yeah. Angle then throttle. If you have time! lol

Just watched a few videos of your quad, looks interesting.

7", GPS with inav.

Probably not the kind of thing you want to crash often.

One guy was getting 20 minute flight time on a 5Ah 4S.

Looks much smoother than a 5" quad.

Mines older cheaper version no gps why would I need that :grin:

Im not planning any long range maybe 100meters tops

To get top spot on the speed record!


Im not that competitive 100mph is more than enough :grimacing::wink:

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How many lipo packs and what size have you ordered?

Only have two so far r-line 4c 1550 95c