LiftOff Times

Current top times

Schnauzer_FPV - 00:48:381
Smudge202 - 00:49:963
Cedric - 00:52:676
GunjaFPV - 01:12:893
Earwig - 01:37:952
New_Wave_24 - 01:38:451
LloydRey - 01:49:114

Finally downloaded Liftoff tonight. Took a bit of time to adjust to the Liftoff flight feel but (after 2 hours of crashing) I got sub 1 min with a 00:57:918. Evidently still room for improvement :joy: those times are nuts!

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Haha, those sub 50 second times trolling everyone :smiley:

Def play some other maps; liftoff has some great courses and probably don’t want to spend too much time just doing left hand turns on that bale track and forget how to turn right! :smiley:

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Hey there is one right turn…

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golf course track #2 is good :+1:t2:

As expected - panic settling in as we get closer to your time… Let the mind games begin :wink: :smiley:

Haha. I was beaten already. Not going to chase any more times on there myself, that track isn’t much fun compared to others. :slight_smile: I wouldn’t suggest any new pilots spend time on it (probably not the best thing to practice when new) but the rest of ya’s, knock yourselves out :smiley:

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Are we going to go with a new map a week. Just enough time to set a really good time and then move on?


Happy to follow the crowd :slight_smile: - I shall pause the taunting anyway from tonight as going away from the desktop for an extended WE :wink:


Excellent idea, ill post the new track details on sunday night.

Race/Standard/Straw Bale/Field Day
Current top times

Schnauzer_FPV - 00:48:381
Smudge202 - 00:49:963
Cedric - 00:52:676
Ibrou - 00:57:918
GunjaFPV - 01:12:893
Earwig - 01:37:952
New_Wave_24 - 01:38:451
LloydRey - 01:49:114

Thought I would give it a go with my fave quad, this is the second attempt. I guess the quad can make a big difference

im flying the control.FPV drone at around 30 degrees but want to go higher. is it just a matter of practice? and flying a bit faster each time then chnaging the angle

yeah - for me ‘5 degrees extra’ steps works well. The drone in reality flies the same (nothing changed) but as you will naturally lower the nose to compensate for the new viewing angle, the drone ends up going quicker - and requiring more throttle to stay in the air. Also the yaw/pitch relation changes a bit too as you will be entering turns with more speed but the brain just does its thing and usually you get on with within a few mn.

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I normally start at 25 and do a hand full of laps at a slow pace. Soon as i get bored i speed things up and then notice i cant handle the drone quite the same so change thr angle to 30. Im at my limits for a bit now. What are thr best drones for racing with on lift off? And do peoplr normally fly with the props in view or not?

Yeah, that’s pretty much it. The higher the angle the faster you need to go. On straw bales when i was blasting i think i was up to 45 or 50.

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I cheated a bit in the sense I removed the battery sag simulation - but as soon as I did that I clocked as sub-49s race - and as I did not see anywhere in the entry rules that it should be enabled :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:
I also thought I recorded a video but I obviously did not hit the record button… :man_facepalming:
I still have the screenshot though :slight_smile:
And as @smudge202 already mentioned he would chicken out at the challenge I can leave for the weekend in peace… :chicken: :wink: :rofl:

we settled on the Obsession 5" drone in Lift Off for this weeks challenge - it handles very well and has plenty of power.
Schnauzer keeps bringing non-homologated equipment but I heard an official complaint was lodged to the racing direction so should not last :wink: :smiley:

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:laughing: ill giv the obsession a try then